Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Working on my AC story!

Zia's POV

"Damn girl! It only took you an 1 hour and your already a fucking pro!" I giggled stepping off the hoverboard.

"Thanks Alex." I smiled.

"Welcome Zi."

Austin's POV

"I don't ever want to go back over there!" I told my mom.

"Austin honey I need you to take this over there for me! It's Alex's moms I don't have time to go over there right now! I have calls to take, now go!" She answered her phone and walked into her office.

"Just great just fucking great!" I mumbled grabbing the box full of god knows what.

I knocked on the door and Zia answered it.

"Hey Austin." She said giving me barley visible smile.

"Hey Zia." I smiled.

She's so fucking adorable.

"Come in Austin!" I heard Alex shout and Zia moved out of my way.

"I see were in good shape?" I asked chuckling.

"I guess I miss my bud." Alex chuckled plugging his hoverboard up.

"Um anyway my mom said give this to yours apparently it's hers?"

"Ok I'll sit it in her room I'll be back in just a few." Alex took the box from me and headed upstairs.

"Do you still want my number?" Zia asked in a whisper looking around the room.

"Yeah, only if you want to give it to me."

"Let me see your phone..."

I gave her my phone and she typed in her number.

☯ Zi ☯

"Aw cute." I chuckled making her blush.

I decided maybe if I change my bad boy ways she'll like me.

"Where's your attitude Mahone?" She asked cheekily making me smirk.

"Ah I see you your not nervous already?"

"I-its because I know you and Alex won't do an-anything to me." She replied blushing and looked down.

"Maybe you can keep me safe."

Aw! She's trying to get over Alex and I think it's worrrrking! She's getting comfortable around Austin! Yay!! I'll give the description to the AC book if you guys want me to!

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