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"Thanks for the Starbucks treat, again." I said to Jimmy as we took a walk in the city that never sleeps.

"It's nine in the evening, are you gonna drive home this late?" I nodded, "Yeah. I have no place to crash in tonight, lol."

"I can reserve you a hotel room or you can stay at my place." He said as he raised his left hand."Where's the wound?" I asked as I noticed that he's not wearing bandages anymore and the wounds are missing. "It's still there, it's just covered in cosmetics." He said, holding his left hand.

"Can I touch it?" He hid his left hand, "You can't. It's ouchy." I bursted out laughing. "Why are you laughing?" He asked, while laughing. "Anyways, where can I stay?" I really don't like him to be bothered but he offered it.

"Let's crash at my place." I smiled and thanked him. "Oh. That's fine." He grabbed his phone and dialed a number. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're here around Central Park." I heard him say. "Okay. Thank you." He put his phone back inside his pocket. "I called for a ride. It will definitely here in 5 minutes. Your car will be fine at 30 rock." He said as we continued walking,

"How does it feel to hang out with your idol? And having issues with him?" I was surprised. Why did he question me like that? 

He stopped walking, "I like you. Can I ask you on a date? I want to be with you, you're so beautiful and you're making me feel like a normal human being when I'm with you." He said continuously.

"We can't be together, Jimmy." He shook his head, "We can." I raised my hands, "This is wrong." He held my hand, "Nothing's wrong, Alex. We're not yet trying." I removed his hand gently, "Why should we try if you know this leads to nothing?"

I'm just concerned about him. We have limitations. Our worlds are different. We have a gap between our ages. I'm a fan, he is my idol.

"Because I want you." He said as he looked down. Is it too fast he has a crush on me and we just met yesterday? He doesn't even know my past yet. Will he accept me? "I want you to be mine. Please give me a chance to know you better." 

"Okay. You know what? I think the ride is here." I said just to change the topic. I'm in shock, I need to think.

Jimmy and I walked to the car and he ushered me in, "My place, Jack." He said while the driver , whose name is Jack, is looking at the mirror and looking to me. "Which one, sir?" He asked. I suppose that Jimmy has many places here. "Beside 30 rock. You know that one." Jack then gave a thumbs up and started driving.

I'm really sleepy.



I confessed everything. Things are unusual. Things are weird.

I'm really exhausted. I'm just here at the right side of the passenger seat, watching the city as we pass by. Alex is in the other side of the passenger seat, falling to her sleep.

I can't even talk to her, I'm pretty embarrassed.

I got three little words that I've always been dying to tell her but, I'm not yet ready. I need to wait.

I need to know her more.

"We've arrived safely, sir." Jack said as I looked up and saw the GE sign up at 30 rock. "Thanks, pal." He nodded as I thanked him. "How is she going out sir?" Alex is sleeping. I got two plans: to wake her up, or carry her.

"You can't wake her up sir. She's really tired, look at her. She's really asleep." Let's stick with number two. "I got this. Park."

"But sir-"


As Jack found a place to park, I opened my side and hopped out. Jack went in the backseat and helped me to get Alex out.

I carried Alex and, she's not that heavy. "For all the years you've served me, this is the last girl you'll see everytime." He got his eyebrows furrowed and said "Definitely. Goodnight sir." I nodded and he came back to his taxi and started driving.

"Let's go." I whispered to myself as I feel my arms enduring some pain.


I peacefully placed Alex down on my bed and she flinched a little. "Flirt." She said

I walked to the kitchen to grab myself a cold can of beer.

As I go back, I heard Alex's cellphone alarming. I found her phone in her pocket and read the title.


I put down the phone on snooze and opened the television to watch myself. "Wait. Jimmy, I'm awake." Alex said while rubbing her eyes and she got up, shocked."Oh my gosh! You're an effing stranger! Get off me! Get-"

"Hey! It's me Jimmy!" She stopped moving and her face started to turn red. "I had fun yesterday at the rooftop." She said. "Me too. The best of the best." I smiled.

She grabbed the remote and turned off the television. "Hey!" She smirked and threw the remote. "Why would you do that? I'm watching myself!"

"You got beers, right?"

"Umm. Yeah. So?"

She stood up and grabbed 2 cans of beer. "Let's talk." She uttered.

"You ain't sleepy?"

"Errr. Nah."

I heard her can of beer open. "So, how do I drink this?" I can't believe she doesn't drink. I mean, she's an adult. She works, she graduated, she's all by herself. This is rare.

"No.. No.. Drinking doesn't require steps. Just let your feelings sink in. Okay?"

Extraordinary | Jimmy Fallon (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now