Chapter 2 ~Prince Lachlan~

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~5 Years of Age~
Lachlan ran around the palace's back garden chasing butterflies. As a young child Lachlan was very carefree and enthusiastic. Rob loved this about his son. He encouraged it as Lachlan began to truly be able to learn things.

"Lachlan! Come over here." Rob called.

"Yes, father?" Lachlan looked up at his dad. He was finally understanding how to properly address people.

"Since it's a beautiful day out, I thought we could go horse back riding. I know how much you love horses." Rob smiled.

"Horses!" Lachlan cheered. Rob chuckled at his son. He grabbed his small hand and walked with him to the stables.

"Which one would you like to ride?" Rob asked. This would be a great way to introduce Lachlan into horse back riding, a necessary skill during combat.

"That one!" Lachlan chirped, pointing to a brown horse with a sandy coloured mane and tail. Rob pulled the horse out and got it ready by strapping a saddle on. He placed Lachlan on first and then hopped on after him.

"Once you're old enough and you've learned how to ride horses, you'll be able to ride them freely through the forest." Rob steered the horse towards the woods. As they rode through the forest, Lachlan giggled whenever there was a large bump causing him to bounce.

~10 Years of Age~
Lachlan walked to the edge of the largest and highest terrace in the castle. He overlooked the small homes that scattered the interior of his future kingdom. As Lachlan grows older he shows to be a bright hearted boy and has promise to one day be a great leader. Maybe not the strongest fighter but certainly a fair king.

"Lovely view, isn't it?" Rob walked up next to him.

"Sure is." Lachlan nodded in agreement. He aspired to be like his dad when grows older.

"To think, that one day, all of this will be yours." Rob said in awe.

"I know." Lachlan breathed.

"Do you think you'll be able to handle it?" Rob challenged.

"I know I will. I promise you I won't let this place fall." Lachlan asserted.

Vik wrapped his hands around Lachlan's, helping him steady the bow. That is the one weapon Lachlan had trouble with the most. His aim wasn't exactly the best unlike his father's. Rob has tried countless times to help his son but it seems only the words of his lover seem to get to his head. Lachlan released the arrow and it hit almost the center.

"See, you're getting much better." Vik praised him.

"Thanks to you that is." Lachlan pressed a small kiss on Vik's lips. Lachlan turned out to be a kind, tough, and optimistic.

"Oh please." Vik blushed. Vik is the strongest fighter in the army apart from Mitch. He started as a simple farmer boy but he had passion to be a knight. Lachlan met him on the streets once and introduced him to his dad. This is how Vik became part of their family, metaphorically speaking.

Stolen PrincesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora