Chapter 3 ~Prince Josh~

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~5 Years of Age~
Josh sat in the study room with his father, Simon, reading. For such a young child Josh was very smart. He liked to learn and was always ready for something new. Josh was stumped when came across a word he didn't know.

"Dad?" he moaned.

"Yes, Josh?" Simon answered.

"What does con-science-tyous mean?" he struggled to pronounce the foreign word.

"Conscientious? It means someone who always tries to do what's right." Simon explained.

"Oh, okay!" Josh continued reading. Simon smiled at him. Even if Josh secretly wasn't actually his son, Simon treated and loved him as if he was. Simon wanted to raise Josh to be strong. Not only physically but mentally too. "Con-she-en-chus." Josh pronounced.

~10 Years of Age~
Josh sneaked through the hallways trying not to get caught. He is growing to be more curious and is still sharp in the mind. He likes to explore and try to solve puzzles. Josh knows every inch of the castle, where are all the halls lead to, and the paintings that hang in each one. He knows there are secrets being held from him and he's determined to learn what they are. Josh snuck into his father's room and looked under the bed.

"Aha! There you are!" Simon's voice made Josh jump. "What do you think you're doing?" Simon crossed his arms.

"Uh..." Josh couldn't come up with an excuse.

"Stand up. You shouldn't be rummaging around in other people's stuff, even if I'm your father. It's not very polite." Simon scolded him. "It's time for supper anyways."

"I'm sorry." Josh apologised, hanging his head in shame.

"Hey, head up." Simon tapped his fingers under Josh's chin. "Number one thing to remember is to never show failure in your body behavior. No matter how tired or upset you feel, understood?" Simon lectured him in a gentle voice.

"Mhmm." Josh nodded.

"Good." Simon placed a small kiss on Josh's head. He then led him to the dining hall.

Josh rode his horse as fast as he could through the forest. Something he loves to do when taking time alone. Sometimes he'll randomly swing his sword at trees or branches pretending he is in combat. Josh rode until he reached the river. He was taught to never go past it for then he would be too close to the West Kingdom. He looked as far as he could past the trees. Josh made a disgusted face in the direction of the enemy kingdom before turning around. Josh remained an intelligent, adventurous boy who will serve as a diligent king when his turn comes.

"Joshua!" someone called. He looked ahead to see Tobi racing towards him on his own horse. "We need you back home right now. A meeting for the battle, in a week from now, has started and your father requests you be there." Tobi informed him. Josh followed him back home.

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