Chapter 26 ~Sneaky~

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Lachlan's dress^^ 😉

Lachlan couldn't believe what he was looking at. Himself, in a white dress. He snickered at his reflection. It was ridiculous looking. Lachlan didn't have the strength to even care anymore. All hope seemed to be lost.

"It's finally finished!" One of the ladies exclaimed. They all 'oohed' and 'aahed' over it, begging Lachlan to twirl in it. He really didn't want to but they had worked so hard on it. They just wanted to see their work. So Lachlan decided to be nice and give a small spin. All three ladies cheered and clapped happily. Lachlan figured they probably don't get to make clothing much or at all.

"You look stunning." Lachlan turned his head to see Simon watching from behind. "I cannot wait till wedding day." He smirked. Simon enjoying the mental torture of Lachlan made him(Lachlan) want to breakdown crying.

"Lachlan it shows off your figure very nicely." Tobi joined in on the teasing. Someone knocked on the already open door asking for permission to come inside.

"Simon." Everyone turned around to see Ethan standing there awkwardly.

"Yes, Ethan?" Simon responded.

"A letter, from the West Kingdom." Ethan told him. Simon snatched it out of his hand obviously not in the mood to hear what they have to say. It took ten seconds for Simon to read it.

"Oh no. Tobi," Simon started.


"Get Lachlan out of that dress and take him back down to the basement as quickly as possible. Then meet me in the conference room. We're having an emergency meeting." Simon ordered.

"What, why?" Ethan seemed very scared.

"You'll see." Simon nudged Ethan out of the way and left. Everyone was silent, staring at each other unsure of what to say. They didn't know what was going on. Without saying a word everyone did as Simon told them. Ethan went to the conference hall, the seamstresses took the dress off of Lachlan, and Tobi guided him back downstairs.

"You guys are sick and twisted." Lachlan as he walked down the spiral staircase with Tobi.

"Lachlan you have to understand." Tobi said calmly.

"Understand what? You guys are heartless. Letting me rot away isn't bad enough? Now I have to be forced into a marriage?" Lachlan choked.

"Simon isn't doing this because he likes to watch you suffer. He knows how much he's hurting you. Normally he wouldn't care because you're part of the side that endangers his people. He's marrying you to help the East Kingdom. Simon is a king dedicated to his people. He's good at toying with the emotions of his enemies. This is just how it played out. Hate Simon all you want but just know he's doing what's best for the people that look up to him. He's not concerned with the well being of people like you who want to hurt what's important to him." Tobi finished locking Lachlan up by the end of his speech. Lachlan thought about what Tobi had just said. He understood but that didn't change how scared Lachlan felt.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Tobi, JJ, and Ethan joined Simon in the conference hall. They were all anxious to hear what news Simon was about to deliver.

"So why are we having an emergency meeting?" JJ spoke up.

"King Rob has announced that unless I cancel the wedding and return Lachlan to him, he will kill Josh and Harry." Simon informed them.

"Then cancel the wedding! Why do we need to have a meeting over it?!" JJ shouted.

"You're not thinking of letting Josh and Harry die are you?" Tobi inquired. It did cross Simon's mind at least once.

"No, but I wanted to know if any of you could think of a way sneak around it. Like something where we get Josh and Harry back but still get to marry Lachlan." Simon brought forth. They all were quiet for moment as they thought.

"What if we don't bring Lachlan and keep him here?" Ethan suggested.

"Yeah, but I don't think Rob is just going to hand over Josh and Harry without Lachlan being there." Tobi protested.

"We'll say Lachlan is on separate horse coming." Ethan answered.

"Okay but how do we get Rob to hand over Josh and Harry? That part of your plan is still missing." JJ pointed out.

"How about this, me and Simon will be together and Rob is with whoever along with Josh and Harry. We explain to him Lachlan is coming, then after a few seconds Tobi and JJ come up from behind, or wherever, and steal Josh and Harry." Ethan explained. "And we'll make it clear to take one accomplice so Rob doesn't bring his whole army."

"Sneaky. I like it." Simon approved.

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