Chapter 13 ~Uncovering~

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Josh stared at the corner Preston had disappeared behind. After a couple minutes he tightened his grip on the paper and turned to go sit on his bed. He unrolled it anxious to see what Lachlan's response was.

Dear Prince Josh,

I must say I'm quite surprised to see that you have written to me. Yes, I am very happy to see Preston. It's interesting to see that you two have made friends. At first I wasn't really sure how to take this. My rival trying to be civil and work with me to save ourselves? It's like a strange joke that isn't meant to be funny. If Preston is working with you, than I shall have to believe you are being serious and honest. I'm not sure how your plan will work, if it even does. However, you said you had ideas and I'm interested in hearing them. So my answer to whether or not I will work with you, is a yes. When you write back be sure to tell me some of your ideas, further explaining how this will get us out. I would love to do this for the better of everyone.

Prince Lachlan

A smile spread across Josh's face. He was ecstatic to hear Lachlan was willing to work with him. Now things can really start rolling. Josh pulled out his paper and pen from under his pillow and laid on the floor. He began writing a response that included two of his ideas. They both rotated around the same theme of tricking people. So in a sense, Josh almost would be backstabbing Preston but he doesn't think of it that way. Josh was about half way through writing when he heard the sound of chains clanking and jingling in the cell with the wooden door. Josh had almost completely forgot about the mysterious person. Josh stood up walked over to his door, trying to get the best angle of viewing the other door.

"H-ello?" Josh's voice shook. He wasn't sure how to approach. There was no answer. "I know there's someone in there." Josh spoke louder. He heard the chains once more and then a hand wrap around a tiny bar. It slipped off soon after and was replaced by a face. Josh couldn't work out any details about him other than he was white.

"Yes, why?" he finally responded.

"I want to know who you are." Josh replied.

"Why should I be so quick to tell you who I am?" the man countered.

"Because you already know who I am. You've been listening to me and Preston talk. You even called him a liar." Josh answered.

"That's because he is. Very well then. My name is Harry." he told him. "I've been stuck here for sixteen years."

"Sixteen?!" Josh gasped. "And you're still alive?" Harry chuckled. "Why are you in that cell compared to one of these?" Josh wondered.

"Because I was always able to escape out of those. Even this one, that's why I'm now in chains. I've kind of given up." Harry answered.

"Where are you from?" Josh continued asking the many questions on his mind.

"Wait, do you not know who I am?" Harry sounded taken back.

"N-No, am I supposed to?" Josh almost felt scared.

"I thought you would've. I'm from the East Kingdom. Have they forgotten me?" Harry muttered the last part. "You are Prince Josh of the East Kingdom, right?"

"Yes." Josh answered slowly. 

"Then how do you not know me? I'm your father's brother." Harry cracked. Josh's eyes widened. He knew there were secrets being kept from him, but not anything like this. It stunned him.

"My father, has a brother? And he's never told me?!" Josh shouted.

"See, that's what I don't understand. Why did they keep me a secret? Or have they just forgotten? You've never heard my name being mentioned once?" Harry asked.

"No. When and how did you end up in here?" Josh inquired.

"You were only one year old when I was captured and brought here during battle. It just baffles me that they never told you about me. That means anything with my picture in it is gone as well..." Harry chocked. Josh saw his head disappear as if he stepped back, and then it came back. Josh was at a lost for words. He didn't know what to think about his father anymore. He just kept his uncle a hidden secret. What benefit does Simon get from hiding Harry?

"Is there anything my father is hiding from me?" Josh wondered.

"Father... If he kept me hidden from you I'm sure he doesn't want me saying anything else." Harry shook his head.

"Well you have to tell me now, I need to know." Josh pled.

"Maybe another day, it's a bit hard to swallow." Harry denied.

"Tell me. Please." Josh kept begging. He wasn't really sure he wanted to hear what it is but he was so curious and couldn't help himself. Harry took a deep breath. 

"Are you sure? This could change, a lot." Harry raised an eyebrow. Josh frantically nodded. "Simon... isn't, your father. No one knows who your real parents are. We just found you in the woods." he confessed. Josh actually felt his whole entire world stop. It was like someone shot an arrow in his heart. His world deflated. He couldn't call Simon "father" anymore. Simon lied to Josh his whole entire life, but why?

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