Chapter 31 ~Final Battle~

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Today is the most important day for everyone everywhere. The day when hopefully, everything will come to an end. Simon and Lachlan are about to become married to each other, Rob and his troops are giving it their last attempt. While Josh sits in his cell with the key that could set him free, the West Kingdom were marching to his homeland.

Lachlan stood behind the tall wooden doors, waiting for them to open. Tobi stood next to him to guide him down the aisle. Lachlan's heart was beating so fast he thought it burst. He silently wished it would. The doors slowly opened revealing not too many people sitting in rows and Simon along with the priest all the way at the end. JJ and Ethan were standing behind Simon as well. The venue wasn't heavily decorated but this was suppose to be quick not a full wedding with a fancy party. Seeing all the flowers reminded Lachlan of home, making this experience even worse.

"Stand up straight." Tobi hissed, lightly hitting Lachlan on the back. He hadn't realised how hunched over he was. As the music started, Tobi and Lachlan walked down the aisle. The alter seemed so far away to Lachlan. Them walking slowly didn't help. His breath became short and shaky. However Lachlan didn't feel like passing out. Once Lachlan reached the end, Tobi let go of him and Lachlan turned to face Simon. That's when the priest started his speech,

"Today we are gathered here to..." Lachlan instantly tuned him out. The prince could feel Simon's stare but he was too scared to make eye contact. Lachlan looked everywhere but at Simon's eyes directly. He could tell Simon wasn't exactly thrilled about this either. He didn't want to marry some young boy for political reasons. Simon reached out to grab Lachlan's hands, making him flinch at first. When the priest got to the part about "speak now or forever hold your peace" Lachlan hoped something typical would happen like Vik, or Preston, or even Josh would bust into the room. Sadly that didn't happen. Instead the priest carried on. But then this happened,

"King Simon!" A man shouted, opening one of the doors. Everyone turned to look at him. Lachlan could tell Simon's face was turning red with anger. "I apologize for interrupting but we've just spotted the West Kingdom's army heading straight towards us!" The man informed. Lachlan smiled as a wave of hope swept him up. That's when everything became hectic; Simon started making orders and bossing everyone around. Most of the guest were running around in panic, so Lachlan thought he could escape by slipping through the distracted people. He started to run but soon felt hands grab his waist. As Lachlan was stopped in his tracks, the hands moved to his arms that were painfully pushed behind his back.

"Don't think we'd let you get away that easily." JJ growled in Lachlan's ear. JJ picked Lachlan up and took him back downstairs.

Josh paced back and forth listening to the key jingle in his hand. It echoed very loudly for it was much quieter than normal since pretty much everyone was gone. Josh felt incredibly tempted to run out right now, with nobody watching. Josh couldn't stand the feeling of something might go wrong. Especially since the key gave him the feeling of a certain power that maybe he could help. He wanted to be part of it. Josh didn't know if Lachlan was married or not yet, or where he would be, but Josh chose to believe he was still sitting in his cell. He wondered if he could get Lachlan out and bring him home while everyone was busy fighting. Josh could tell Lachlan to tell Preston to pretend he brought Lachlan back. While Josh would stay home and do the same with Ethan, or Tobi. With that Josh didn't think twice and reached around the bar. He awkwardly wiggled the key around until he heard a satisfying click, setting him free.

"Harry, I'm going over there because I have a bad feeling but a decent plan." Josh told him.

"Are you sure about that?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"Yes." Josh quickly set unlocked Harry's door as well. He was about to turn around and leave when he remembered Harry had chains.

"Thanks. I thought you forgot about those for a minute." Harry laughed.

Stolen PrincesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora