Chapter 20 ~Freak Out~

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Shortly after Simon told Lachlan that he was going to marry him, he sent Ethan to tell the West Kingdom. Of course they didn't take it lightly.

Preston watched as Rob silently read the letter to himself. His expression stayed the same, blank. He handed Preston the letter to read without saying a word. Not even a sigh came from Rob. Preston's jaw dropped.

"Simon's going to what?!" Preston shouted.

"I can't believe this. I can't, believe it! Just imagine it, my son married to my rival. We need to do something about it now." Rob slammed his fist on his desk. His face suddenly softened from angry to worry. "What are we suppose to tell to, Vik?" Rob whispered. Preston shrugged.

"Should I go bring him in?" Preston asked. Rob thought for a moment before nodding. Preston left leaving Rob to himself. He ran his fingers through his hair. He felt scared for Lachlan but also angry. Simon is not going to get away with this. The only problem is for all Rob knows, they could get married tomorrow. Preston returned with Vik.

"What happened?" Vik asked as he walked in.

"Vik you're going to need to sit for this." Preston sat him on the bed.

"Okay, what's going on? You've got me really scared right now." Vik crossed his arms. Preston and Rob looked at each other, nervous.

"Well, um... Rob you tell him." Preston stepped back. There was an awkward moment of silence before Rob finally spoke.

"Vik, Simon is going to... marry, Lachlan." Rob said slowly.

"Marry?!" Vik jumped straight up. "Hell no! Lachlan is my-"

"Vik." Rob grabbed his shoulders.

"boyfriend! Simon can't just-"

"Vik, calm down!" Rob shook him.

"force Lachlan to marry him! Can he?" Vik yelled.

"Vik you need to breathe. I'm afraid he can. Lachlan is in Simon's possession and you two aren't engaged yet." Rob sat Vik back down but he just bounced right back up.

"No! This is not acceptable! I will not let the love of my life-"

"Oh my god! Vik! Look at me!" Rob shut him up. "I know you're upset,"

"Upset?! I'm freaking out!" Vik flailed his arms.

"No kidding." Preston huffed.

"But you need to take a deep breath and gather yourself." Rob continued. "You know we aren't just going to let Simon get away with this. First, he steals Lachlan and now he's going to keep him forever? No."

"When is the wedding?" Vik asked, calming down.

"That's the problem, we don't know." Rob sighed.

"Then we need do something now! There's no time to waste!" Vik started screaming again.

"Vik I'm losing my patience with you." Rob said in a low voice.

"Sorry, Rob. My emotions are all over the place. I'm just scared of losing Lachlan. He's the one I love." Vik's voice cracked.

"I know this is painful buddy." Preston hugged him. "Why don't we take a nice walk and..." his voice drifted off as he left the room with Vik. Rob walked over and read the note again. If they manage to stop this wedding before it happens than miracles really do happen. Only time will tell.

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