Chapter 25 ~Stuck~

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Josh was drifting asleep when the sudden voices yelling brought him back to the world. He instantly sat up confused and curious. Josh watched as the large shadows shrunk and people replaced them. It shocked him to see Preston being pushed by someone else; Rob was right behind them.

"Please! No! I'm sorry I didn't tell you!" Preston cried out. He was battling against the person's grip. "Jerome, help me out here."

"How about you ask Joshua for help." the person known as Jerome responded.

"Preston..." Rob sighed. He opened the door cell and Jerome shoved Preston in. "You shouldn't of worked against us. Why didn't you tell me? The bigger question is why wouldn't you use your knowledge to help us? I am so disappointed in you."

"Rob, don't kill me. You can't!" Preston yelled.

"I don't know what I am going to do with you." Rob said and then left. "How am I going to explain this to the people?" was heard before it was silent. Josh walked up to his bars and tried to peer around to see in Preston's cell.

"This can't be happening." Preston wept.

"Now you know how I feel." Josh laughed at him.

"This is all your fault! I should of never trusted you!" Preston blamed.

"It's not my fault they found out about our side scheme. I don't control your mouth." Josh defended. Him and Preston could barely see each other's faces.

"I bet you knew this was going to happen." Preston snarled.

"No, actually, I didn't. I wanted to make sure something like this wouldn't happen." Josh quarled.

"God I'm such an idiot!" Preston hissed under his breath. The air stood still as the dungeon was filled with silence. Both Josh and Preston were stuck at a stalemate. Even if they were right next to each other, they felt so distant. The tension of their fallen friendship displayed that if the concrete wall didn't.

"Why do you think I'm so against you?" Josh spoke up.

"To start you are from the East Kingdom. Second, you had no problem calling off your plan so Simon can sweep away, Lachlan." Preston answered. "You suddenly turned your back on me." That last part made Josh feel a bit guilty.

"Preston I'm sorry it turned out this way." Josh apologised.

"And for no reason too." Preston added.

"Hey, I'm trying to be nice here. You were the one who made me feel like I was a disappointment when I really can't, do anything about, Simon." Josh shot back.

"Don't make this out to be my fault." Preston scoffed.

"Well it's certainly not mine." Josh denied.

"Have you guys forgotten that you're brothers?" Harry interjected. "Don't let preset thoughts about who you should and shouldn't like get in the away of all your hard work. You guys said you would stick together. And what do you mean, 'your fault'? Fault about what?"

"About me getting this close to being executed!" Preston wailed.

"That's a mixture of both your faults. It was mostly you Preston but Josh is the root of the problem. You both went into this trying to do what's right and best for everyone but not every plan works. That's why you need a new one." Harry lectured.

"Well then we need a new one and fast because both of you are also on the chopping block." Preston informed them.

"What?!" Josh and Harry shouted.

"Yeah, unless Simon cancels the wedding and hands back Lachlan. Josh you should be thankful I tried to persuade them not to." Preston chimed.

"I am and I'm sorry I turned my back on you." Josh apologised once more.

"I'm sorry too. For doubting you. We could really use one of your smart plans now, Josh. I can't stand the suspense of being stuck here and not knowing what's next." Preston tapped his fingers on the bars.

"Pssh. Welcome to the dungeons." Josh taunted.

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