Chapter 14 ~Memories~

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Josh's past has always been mysterious. He remembers running around the house, exploring, and whenever he found something of intrigue Simon would always be there to take it away. Josh felt betrayed by someone so close to him. Simon raised him in a house of lies and secrets.

Seventeen Years Ago
Simon rode his horse through the forest along side his brother. They were enjoying a nice day out while keeping the area clear of loners who live in between the two kingdoms. They were having a nice conversation as their horses trotted slowly across the grass.

"I can't believe it's already been a week since your coronation." Harry laughed.

"I know, it seems longer than that." Simon agreed.

"How does it feel to finally be king?" Harry asked.

"Not much different. But it's only been a week." Simon shrugged. They continued talking until they were interrupted by the sound of a baby crying.

"Don't tell me it's another woman who decided to have her baby in the middle of the forest." Harry scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Well what else could it be?" Simon rode off in the direction of the sound. The crying got louder the deeper they went. "I feel like we're right next to the child but I don't see it or a woman."

"This is slightly creepy." Harry shivered. They got off of the horses and wandered around. "Is it in a tree?"

"At this point I'd give it a look." Simon suggested. He walked along the river when he looked to his side and saw a basket stuck on the stream's sandy bank. "Harry I found it!" he called out. Harry came rushing over.

"What do we do with it?" Harry asked.

"'It' is a boy and I think we should take it home." Simon affirmed. Harry furrowed his brows.

"Home? Why? What if his mother, or father, comes back?" Harry debated.

"I don't think they want this child. If they do then they shouldn't have left it on the edge of a river alone. I'm taking it home. It might die otherwise." Simon argued. He looked down at the baby wrapped in cloth. It had stopped crying now. Harry opened his mouth to argue but instead ended up saying,

"If that's what you want to do." So they took the baby boy back home.

When they arrived home Simon put the baby in his old crib. Everyone close and of importance were huddled around it confused of why Simon brought it to the castle.

"You've brought it here now what are you going to do with it?" Tobi interjected.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys 'it' is a boy. He may not have a name yet but that doesn't make him any less of a human." Simon addressed. "What I am going to do with him is raise him as my son."

"Son?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Yes. He will be my child." Simon confirmed. Everyone was barraging him with questions of why and if he was sure or being serious. "Look, guys, I'm doing this because I've always wanted a child and this is my chance. Besides, what else am I supposed to do? Have an auction and sell the baby? What kind of a first impression as king would that be?"

"What kind of an impression is 'I found a child in the middle of the woods and I'm going to raise him to be your prince'?!" Harry fumed.

"The people of this kingdom don't have any clue of what happened. It's not that hard to make up some excuse of why I have a baby boy. I can do whatever the hell I want! I'm the king not you remember?" Simon hissed. Harry looked as if he was ready to fight his own brother.

"Well I'm still a prince and I'm your brother so surely I can do whatever I want to, right?!" Harry spat back. Then the baby started crying again.

"Now look at what you've done! Everyone just needs to leave." Simon shooed them all out. JJ was the last one to leave but before he did, he turned around closing the door behind him.

"Simon you do realise by making this baby your child he will become a prince and take over Harry's spot of being next in line to be king? That's why he's so pissed." JJ acknowledged.

"I know, I'm doing that on purpose. I don't want Harry to be the next king after me." Simon confessed.

"Why?" JJ walked over to him.

"I'm not going to say much other than I have a sneaking suspicion that Harry is the reason our father died." Simon whispered. "I don't mean to sound selfish or argue with Harry like that but I needed to stand strong on my ground." Simon looked at his new baby boy as it looked back at him. Simon smiled at him and the baby returned it. "This baby can't know I'm not actually his father." Simon then picked up the basket the child was in, and put it on a dresser next to his bed.

(A/N- Quick thank you for 1K views and all this amazing support. You guys are awesome I love you!)

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