Chapter 7~ Salty Tears~

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Lachlan was sitting, curled up against the back wall. He could honestly say he was scared. Lachlan had never been in situation like this, nor was he ever prepared for one. The cell was the same as Josh's. It also had a little opening at the top of the back wall. It had tiny little metal bars. It was just at the surface meaning Lachlan was standing underground. He could feel himself shaking. It all happened so quickly. What frightened Lachlan the most is what might happen next. He heard voices and footsteps nearing him.

"There he is! The pride possession of the West Kingdom." Simon purred. He wore his crown to show his importance. Tobi and JJ were behind him. "But here in the East Kingdom you are nothing."

"Please don't kill me." Lachlan squeaked.

"Kill you?! No, no, no. We have no intention of that." Simon shook his head. "You're just going to sit here while we use you to our benefit. This here is, Tobi."

"Hello." he waved.

"He'll come down to check on you every now and then." Simon finished. Lachlan looked at him with watery eyes. "Don't look at me like I'm the villain. Your people are the ones that took away my brother and now my son. Let's see how they like it." Simon sneered. He then turned away and left with JJ.

"Don't worry, Prince Lachlan. We have no intention of harming you. Get comfortable because you'll be there for long time." Tobi teased. Lachlan put his head back down wanting it all to go away. His sadness quickly changed to anger.

"How can you say that we're the evil ones for stealing your prince, when you've just done it yourselves? You know that I'll be set free by my people because we have the more powerful army. Even after that battle we're still stronger than you." Lachlan snapped.

"Please. Don't be so sure about yourself. If your father is anything like you he'll be sitting on his bed crying about you. Meanwhile King Simon is working day and night to get Josh back." Tobi argued.

"You won't be so cocky when this castle is rubble on the ground." Lachlan hissed.

"Keep dreaming prince." Tobi chuckled. He then left Lachlan to his own. Lachlan let out a low, quiet growl. He was sure his father would get him free sooner or later. That doesn't mean through the power of war, but even a trade. It would have to be a hefty trade to get these people to let him go. Lachlan moved over to his bed and tried to fall asleep. It was difficult for him to do so. He wanted to sleep to just have one day over and how many ever more to go. The draft from the small window kept him awake.

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