Chapter 4 ~Theft~

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The two kings prepared their armies for battle. Today more blood will be spilt over this never ending war. Each generation wanting to fulfill what the last couldn't. Over in the East Kingdom, everyone prepped for Rob's powerful army.

Josh sat tall on his horse next to his father. Josh took a deep breath in and out his nose.

"Are you ready for this?" Simon made sure.

"More than ready." Josh assured him. This would be Josh's second battle but this one is bigger.

"What's more than ready?" Simon asked. Josh thought for a moment.

"Confidence." Josh smirked.

"I like that." Simon approved. "Remember not to go too fast and stay next to me leading up to it unless I yell 'charge'." he reminded Josh, who nodded. Simon then led his troops out, all the towns folk waving them goodbye and wishing them luck.

Meanwhile, over in the West Kingdom, Lachlan got ready for his first ever fight. He was excited but still very nervous. Rob was confident that his side would come out on top this time.

"Remember not to use the bow that much. Don't worry about other people, worry about yourself. You sure you're ready?" Rob felt more worried for Lachlan than Lachlan did himself.

"Yes, yes father I'll be fine." he chuckled.

"Come on Rob don't worry so much over him. He's had plenty of training, he's ready." Jerome added. Rob checked his troops formations before hoisting himself onto his horse and setting out.

The two armies marched towards each other through the trees and briquet. Josh watched as he crossed the river, now expecting to see the opposing side at any moment. He looked over at Simon who was focused on what was ahead. Rob was doing the same. Vik kept exchanging looks with Lachlan. When the two sides saw each other both kings yelled,

"Charge!" That's when Josh when full speed ahead, raising his sword ready to swing at the first person in contact. The sound of yells, horses, and metal clashing filled the air. It's difficult to fight in a forest. Fights are normally compacted but with the trees in the way it's even more tight.

Lachlan tirelessly swung his sword at anyone who didn't have the same symbol as his on the front of their armor. Both sides were doing equally well. Lachlan's weapon was knocked out of his hand. Two people from the East side grabbed him and pulled him to the other side. Lachlan struggled to get free but it was no use. He was tied and then thrown onto a horse that took him to the other kingdom.

Josh had the same fate as his enemy prince. Hit on the back of the head by someone else, he was knocked out cold. Then dragged to the other side. Everyone was so busy fighting neither side noticed the exchange. The fathers of the two boys noticed however.

"Josh!" Simon yelled. He tried to force himself deeper into the mosh pit of people but it was too dangerous. He didn't want to let his son go. Simon called his troops off, as did Rob.

"Lachlan! Lachlan no!" Rob shouted chasing after him. He lost sight of them quickly but still followed in the general direction. Vik caught up with him.

"Rob!" Vik stopped him. "Don't go any further you know it's too dangerous. Especially on your own." he warned.

"But they have, Lachlan!" Rob argued.

"I know they do, and you know how much that angers me. They have the love of my life and, God dammit, we're not going to let them get away with it. But we have, Josh." Vik reasoned. Rob took a deep breath and returned home with Vik.

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