Chapter 17 ~What's Next?~

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Josh had finally figured it out. Everything made perfect sense. Except there was one piece he wasn't sure would fit. Josh traced the shape of his birthmark on his right side. He began bouncing his knee and tapping his fingers at his sides, anxious to see Preston again. He then thought about Lachlan. Josh thought that he should know about everything. He pulled out a piece of paper and began writing about everything that he learned. Josh's hand writing was a mess because his hand was shaking but it was decipherable.

"Good afternoon, Joshua." Preston's voice made Josh jump. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"No it's okay. Preston we need to talk." Josh got straight to the point.

"What about?" Preston asked cautiously.

"Lets take a moment to think about some things that are similar between us. We're both seventeen, we have similar features, we were both found in the forest. The lady was with you leaving me alone. And unless that's all one giant coincidence, lift your shirt up and turn." Josh directed him. Preston turned to Josh's left. "No the other way." Preston switched directions showing his right side. Josh did the same. They displayed their matching birthmarks.

"Wait, are we... brothers?" Preston breathed.

"I guess so. What else could it mean?" Josh put his shirt back down.

"Does this mean that I'm a prince?" Preston realised.

"I-I don't know... I'm only adopted. I don't think anyone else knows." Josh bit his lip. They didn't know where to go with this.

"Now what?" Preston asked. "What does this change?"

"A lot. But not until everyone else knows. For now everything stays the same. Don't tell anyone. I don't want this to stir anymore trouble than there already is." Josh ordered. He then reached behind him and grabbed his paper, rolling it up. "You need to go to Lachlan's today. And take this with you. It'll explain everything to him. He's the only other person who should know."

"Today?" Preston took the paper out of Josh's hand. Josh nodded. "Uh, okay." Preston slowly walked out. He wasn't exactly prepared to go out. Everyone is resting up since the battle the other day so hopefully they shouldn't need Preston for some reason. He had to take a longer route around his castle, edging the forest. This was because there were still people cleaning the outside area of bodies. Preston didn't want to get caught as soon as he left the doors. Once he was far enough away, he went back to usual path. "Lachlan!"

"Preston! I was worried you weren't coming back!" Lachlan exclaimed.

"No, don't worry I'm not leaving you hanging. I was just busy back at home. A lot has happened and I'd love to talk to you about it but this was a surprise trip so I have to hurry home before anyone notices." Preston explained.

"Oh, okay then, maybe another time?" Lachlan said with disappointment in his tone. He then handed Preston his letter.

"Yes. Thank you. Here, Josh wrote you another letter explaining most of it." Preston exchanged the letters with Lachlan. "I won't be as long next time, I promise." Preston vowed.

"You better not. I get worried easily. Bye." Lachlan waved. Lachlan let out a long sigh as he slid down the back wall. "I'm so lonely." Lachlan put his head in his hands. He looked at the new piece of paper. He had Josh but it wasn't the same. They mainly talked business and rarely had a conversation in their letters. Lachlan hid the letter behind the bed for he wasn't in the mood to read it right now. "I'm ready to go home now." Lachlan announced, looking out his window. He wanted to hear his father's voice again. He could barley remember it anymore. He missed Vik's touch.

"What do you see out there?" Simon's voice echoed through the halls. Lachlan is about to miss it even more.

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