Chapter 19 ~Scared~

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"W-What?!" Lachlan was shocked. He couldn't believe the words that just came out of Simon's mouth.

"Marry you. Simple." Simon repeated.

"But why?" Lachlan asked.

"Because, if your married than Rob can't give the crown to you since you'll be stuck with me. Plus, as a bonus, since you've been the prince of the West Kingdom and have control of it, when Rob passes away it'll fall under my possession as well." Simon explained. "Has any told you what a beautiful boy you are?"

"Um, yes? My boyfriend back at home has actually." Lachlan answered, mentioning Vik.

"Oh, you had a boyfriend?" Simon's was soft but still remained condescending. Lachlan nodded. "Oh well." Simon placed one hand on Lachlan's cheek(FACE). "You're mine now." Lachlan pushed Simon's hand away.

"Don't touch me." Lachlan growled. Simon took a few steps back. "You can't force me to marry you! Especially when I already found the one."

"But you see I can. The best part is, I'm going to have Ethan take a note to your father and friends, to just rub it in their faces." Simon walked back out of the cell.

"Simon, are you sure you want me to do that? Last time we gave them a warning it didn't go so well." Ethan implied.

"Well, we aren't going to tell them when the wedding is, just that we're having one. We'll have an army stand by even if it is a little weak." Simon brushed it off. Ethan shrugged not arguing with him. "Lachlan. We're going to leave for a little to let this sink in but we'll be back so don't feel too lonely." Simon said, waving.

Lachlan felt like he was actually going to throw up. It was like the room was tilting. He immediately put his head down and started taking deep breaths.

"Breath Lachlan, breath." he reminded himself. He went over to sit on his bed. "Why is this happening to me? What, just keeping me prisoner wasn't enough? Now you have to force love down my throat?! Well, it's not like this all about love it's more about I want control of your kingdom when your father dies." Lachlan thought aloud.

He was so scared. Home felt further away than ever before. If the wedding doesn't get stopped then Lachlan will be stuck here forever. He couldn't tell what would be worse, marrying Simon or dying. That's how bad it is to Lachlan. He was shaking right now. Lachlan felt like item just being passed around. There was one word that wouldn't leave his mind. Vik.

"Oh, Vik, you know I love you with all my heart and that I would never want this. This tearing me apart so badly and I know it will to you especially when find out about this. Please come save me! I can't do this without you..." Lachlan cried out. He could feel the tears on verge of falling out. What is he suppose to do? Then Lachlan remembered Josh, and how he had just gotten a letter from him earlier today. As Lachlan read it his eyes widened. "What is going on with the world?!" Lachlan laughed out of nerves and confusion. Both Lachlan and Josh are in the same state of shock and fear.

"Lachlan! I'm back!" Simon sang. Lachlan quickly stashed away the paper. "How do you feel about lace dresses?"

Don't judge me for putting Lachlan in a dress. I can do what I want m9.

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