Chapter 21 ~Feels~

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Vik laid across his bed feeling empty on the inside. His other half was missing and he may never get it back. The memories of them together kept playing on repeat in Vik's head and he couldn't stop them. They only made him feel worse. Lachlan...

Four Years Ago
Vik trudged over to Lachlan who had been waiting for him outside of the arena after watching him battle forty nine other people. Vik was aching in pain, covered in scratches and blood stains. Lachlan ran up to him so he wouldn't have to walk any further.

"Vik you did great out there!" Lachlan exclaimed.

"I don't feel great." Vik groaned. Lachlan gently rubbed Vik's arm without putting pressure on him so he wouldn't cause pain.

"I can't imagine the pain you're feeling but it was all worth it. You made it to the top ten! You're going to get to be a knight!" Lachlan cheered, supporting his friend. A massive grin on his face.

"I know, I finally got to live up to my dream. Thank you so much, Lachlan." Vik smiled back. Vik had just spent hours fighting other people to be able to be in the Western Kingdom's army. He was one of the youngest ever to get in at age twelve. "I didn't expect it to be that difficult. You're father put some really tough stuff to get through out there, not just people."

"That's why we have one of the best armies out there." Lachlan boasted. Vik chuckled at his friend's pride. "I told you-you could do it! Do I get a best friend of the year award for helping you?" Vik felt his stomach twist into a knot at the words "best friend". Vik wanted to be more with Lachlan but he didn't feel that would ever happen. Always calling each other friend, or buddy as if to strain the fact they are friend zoned. Vik didn't let that stop him from having a crush on Lachlan. Then again, who doesn't have a crush on the prince? "Vik?" Lachlan waved his hand in front of Vik's face.

"Huh? Oh, sorry I zoned out. I guess I'm just really worn out." Vik gave a weak smile.

"Here, come on inside we'll get you fixed up." Lachlan assured.

"I don't know if I can walk my legs are so tired!" Vik laughed. He made it sound jokingly but his legs really did hurt.

"Then I'll just have to carry you won't I?" Lachlan said scooping Vik up.

"Lachlan you really don't have to. I just spent almost five hours battling I'm pretty sure I can spend ten more minutes walking." Vik said.

"Nope. You've done enough work for today." Lachlan started walking.

"Seriously." Vik wrapped his arms around Lachlan's neck so he wouldn't fall.

"Accept my kindness and stop being so stubborn." Lachlan's blue eyes pierced into Vik's dark brown ones.

As Vik was being bandaged up, Lachlan kept rambling about how cool and intense the battle looked from up above. Of course he was stuck sitting on one side and there were lots of trees inside, to replicate outside, he could still see a lot of it.

"Lucky for you-you don't ever have to go through with it because your father is the king." Vik scoffed.

"Well you should be lucky you survived. A few people didn't." Lachlan testified. The lady finished wrapping cloth around Vik's smaller injuries and then left with his clothes to wash. The blood stains will always be there to remind him of this amazing day. Vik stood up to put on his spare clothing. "You look really tough with all those scars and bandages." Lachlan added. Vik felt his face warm up as he watched Lachlan stare at his, almost, bare body.

"Thanks?" Vik muttered sliding his shirt over his head.

"Yes, that was a compliment." Lachlan cleared. "Vik I'm so happy I met you that day when I was sneaking around the trades and stores." Lachlan brought up.

"Me too. Thank goodness my parents forced me to go buy wool. You'd think as farmers we would have some." Vik laughed. "It was a rough year."

"Well, I'm glad I met you not just because I got to help you live your dream but because I made a new best friend. Preston was there first, and you know what? He can keep the title as my best friend. I want to move you to a higher spot. Why? Because you mean so much more to me." Lachlan went on. Vik could feel the butterflies bursting in his stomach. This was actually happening. He didn't think it could get any better but it did. Lachlan pressed his lips up against Vik's. Vik deepened the kiss by pushing back. Lachlan put his hands at Vik's hips and Vik put his around Lachlan's neck. After a while they pulled back, resting there foreheads against each other. "Vik will you be mine?"

"Forever and always." Vik answered before kissing him again.


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