Chapter 5 ~Sorrow~

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After the battle, and the news of losing each others princes, both kingdoms went into a dark time. Their military and spirits weakened. No one was more distraught than the kings. Having the child of the opposing side was the only good thing they got out of this fight.

Rob sat on his bed listening to Vik yell at Preston to let him in.

"Preston! Let me in! I want to talk to Rob on how we're going to get Lachlan back! Please, I don't care if he wants to be alone!" Vik pleaded.

"Vik, calm yourself. I have to respect what Rob wishes and so do you. You know that he's going to do everything he can to get Lachlan back." Preston tried to calm Vik. Rob sighed, standing up and opening his door. The two turned around.

"He can come in, and so can you." Rob told Preston. Both men entered and Rob shut the door. "Vik, I know you're frustrated,"

"Frustrated is an understatement." Vik interrupted.

"Yes. And mark my words we will get Lachlan back. We took Harry, and now we have Josh. Simon has no other family member to pass the crown to. His kingdom will crumble at this and we will prevail. The only work we have to do is sweep up their mess and take my son, your love, back. Which will be easy considering we have the better army! We have the stronger kingdom! We have the burning passion to do this and we will not give up Lachlan without a fight! We will be the viktorious ones!" Rob proclaimed.

"Yes! That is the kind of emotional and powerful speech our people need to hear! Lachlan we're coming for you!" Vik cheered, fist pumping into the air.

"So what's the first step to getting our prince back?" Preston inquired.

"Of course we need to make some sort of war plan but first we need to figure out what to do with, Joshua." Rob didn't bother using the appropriate title of "prince". "Preston, you're going to be the one to look after him." he decided.

"Me? Uh, okay." Preston shrugged.

Simon stood out on the balcony of his castle watching the sky darken as night fell upon them. He actually felt like crying. He's only done so one other time and that was when his father had passed away.

"Simon?" He heard his name being called softly. He turned around to see Ethan walking out.

"First Harry now Josh?" Simon buried his head in his hands. Ethan felt so bad for him. After everything he's tried to do for Josh, it might as well been a waste of time if they don't get him back.

"I know this hurts you, but you have to stay strong remember?" Ethan placed his hand on Simon's back. This reminded Simon of when he told Josh to always look strong; as if nothing is hurting you.

"Right, because I will no let them lay a finger on my son and harm him in any way. I won't let them do whatever they did to Harry, to him. Josh, I will get you back and I don't care if I have to die in the process. This kingdom and it's people need you. Lachlan may never get to see the sunlight again but you will. You, Joshua, will come home." Simon swore. "Come on, Ethan. Lets not waste our time talking. This is a time of action and we need to start planning on how we will win." Simon slammed his fist on the railing. Ethan smiled seeing Simon return to his confident self.

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