Chapter 27 ~Spared~

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Josh, Harry, and Preston spent the next three days configuring a plan to save themselves. Alliances within the two kingdoms put more stress on everyone. Even those who do not know about Josh and Preston could feel the added tension.

"Are you sure this will work?" Preston groaned.

"It will at least by me and Harry some time." Josh reaffirmed. "Now be quiet, I don't want Rob to hear us. That would just ruin everything." Josh hushed Preston.

"Then stop talking." Preston whispered.

"You stop talking." Josh hissed.

"Would you both shut up?" Harry snapped. Josh and Preston returned to their beds in a huff. They made up and were friends just like before their fight, but the fact that their lives are on the line made them a bit short tempered. They had a new plan and hopefully it would be their last. Josh would often think of how he is going to confront Simon when they reunite. He didn't want to be too aggressive but he wanted to make it clear that those secrets upset him. Meanwhile Preston rehearsed his speech to convince Rob to let him out. It's the very first step to setting all three of them free. It was dead silent so they could hear footsteps from further up the steps coming down. Josh and Harry ran to their beds and pretended to be in a deep sleep.

"Good evening boys!" Rob greeted loudly.

"Shh, Rob they're sleeping." Preston put one finger over his lips and pointed another in Josh's direction.

"Well then they need to wake up!" Rob said louder but Josh and Harry laid still.

"But Rob," Preston gained his attention. "I want to talk to you while they're not listening." Preston whispered. Rob raised one eyebrow indicating he was interested. "I want to propose a plan to you in exchange for letting me go. And not killed."

"No need." Rob stopped Preston.

"W-Why?" Preston could feel hope bubbling in his stomach.

"I'm letting you out for free, no bribe needed." Rob told him. A giant smile spread across Preston's face. A wave of relief washed over him knowing he won't be executed. He didn't even really have a plan to explain to Rob. Preston was going to propose something as silly as just plain attack while the East Kingdom is in a state of false trust.

"You see, Preston," Rob started as he tried to open Preston's cell door. "I can't keep someone I think of as family locked up and then kill him later on. I could never live with myself. That's not how a king should operate his kingdom. Don't get me wrong, I'm still disappointed and very upset with you about how you worked against us. However, I have a change in heart about that and hope that you realise what wrong you have done." Rob fished for Preston to make an apology.

"Of course I have. I never intended to anger you I was foolish to of listened to Josh. I wanted to help in my own way and be the hero but working with Josh was not the way. He lied to me and betrayed me and I should've known that would happen." Preston of course lied when he described Josh as a villain. He's not and Preston knows that. Hopefully Josh didn't take Preston's sappy speech to heart. As long as Rob buys it.

"Preston I knew you were still loyal. Lets just put all of this behind us. I need to fill you in on our new plan. But not down here of course." Rob slid open the cell door. Preston happily walked out.

"Rob I'm so thankful for this." Preston said tearing up a bit.

"You don't have to thank me but you are very welcome." Rob laughed. "There is one thing I order for sparing your life, I am not allowing you back down here understand?"

"Yes sir."

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