Chapter 11 ~Secret Letter~

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Preston rode his horse to the other side of the forest. He slowed down once the castle of the East Kingdom was in view. He had decided to give Lachlan the letter Josh wrote him first. That way after whoever takes the letter Rob wrote won't be waiting for Preston to leave. Josh told Preston how to get around the back in a way no one will see him. The only downside to his castle's defense is this blindside near the back right but Preston promised not to give that away. Josh also informed him about the little openings in the cells. Preston crawled against the back wall looking through each one until he sees Lachlan. He saw him laying on his bed but he couldn't tell if he was asleep or not.

"Lachlan. Lachlan!" Preston whisper-shouted trying to get his attention. "Psst! Lachlan." Lachlan's head slowly lifted up. He looked behind him expecting to see someone at his cell door but there wasn't. "Up here."

"Preston?!" Lachlan gasped. "Is that really you?!" He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

"Yes it's me." Preston continued whispering.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" Lachlan was smiling.

"I have something to give you." Preston took out the folded piece of paper and slid it between the bars so Lachlan could reach. "It's from, Prince Josh. I don't know what it says but you need to take it seriously. I brought you some paper of your own to write back, which means I'll back in a couple of days."

"Wait, why is he talking to me? And why are you working with him?" Lachlan questioned.

"Look I'd love to stay and chat but I have to deliver this other letter, that's the main reason I came here, but just read it and think about it. I'll be back again to get your response." Preston grunted as he pushed himself up. He then got back on his horse and carefully went around to the front.

"But-" Lachlan felt so confused of what just happened. Preston just appeared and gave him a note from his rival prince. "Why don't you tell people about this so you can come free me?" Lachlan muttered. He then sat on his bed and unfolded the paper. It read:

Dear Prince Lachlan,

I bet you're glad to see someone like Preston. In case he hasn't told you already, this is Prince Josh talking to you. Hello! As much as I'd love to have some friendly banter, I can't waste too much paper. The main point of why I am writing to you is because I need to know if you'd be willing to work with me. I know that may seem crazy to you but Preston is so surely you can, right? The reason I want to work with you is because I want to figure out a way to get us both home safely without all the battles between our parents. I'm not exactly sure how to yet but I do have a few ideas and hopefully you can add some to the list. This is all designed to give everyone a happy ending. We'd pass notes to each other, with the help of Preston, and come up with a solution to this mess. For now, I need to know whether or not you're interested in doing this. I'm trying to help us and both of our kingdoms, not make ties between us worse. Write back to me saying you will or won't work with me on devising a plan to free us.

Prince Joshua

Lachlan lowered the paper away from his face and looked around the cell feeling a little lost. Prince Josh, the enemy, wants to work with him? All his life Lachlan has been taught what evil everyone in the East Kingdom is. How one day Lachlan will be fighting against Josh. Now that very boy wants to work with him, to make everything better. Lachlan was feeling so eager and willing to do anything to be free. But is he willing enough to do something as risky as this? He wanted a "happy ending", as Josh put it, but is this the way to do it? Lachlan thought his happy ending was marrying Vik and then destroying the castle that he(Lachlan) is standing in right now. Maybe this is a better route. If this is what will perhaps make his people's lives better, then he'll do it. Plus Preston is on it. It's just not knowing if he can believe Josh. Lachlan started writing back to Josh with his answer yes or no.

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