Chapter 10 ~Trust~

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Rob was holding a meeting of his own. For the same reasons; to plan out how he was going to get Lachlan back. Him and his other officials, Mitch, Jerome, and Vik, were just waiting on Preston. He was taking longer than expected so the men had already started discussing some ideas. Then Preston finally entered the room.

"Preston what took you so long?" Rob asked slightly pissed off.

"Sorry, I was checking the perimeters like you said and I was about to join you here but I noticed someone in the distance." Preston held up an envelope. "It's a letter from the East Kingdom delivered by General Ethan." Rob walked over to Preston and snatched the letter out of his hand. Everyone stayed silent as Rob read it silently mouthing the words.

"In summary, King Simon is asking for a trade or he'll attack. Huh." Rob slapped the note on the table. He stood in front of the giant window staring into the distance.

"Do you think we should attempt a trade?" Mitch broke the silence.

"No. I don't think we should. Here's why: One, it'll be impossible for us to work out an agreement we'll both be happy with. Two, the loopholes. Simon is one to try and pull something sneaky like that. Three, I'm not going to sit around waiting for some treaty-thing when we could go and fight them, and get Lachlan back this week. This is a time of action not words." Rob declared.

"So we're going to fight?" Mitch double checked.

"Yes. Now we have time to prepare our troops for whenever they hit us with their first strike. Preston I'm going to write a letter back to him right away and you'll deliver it back." Rob ordered. Preston nodded. "Now you can return back to, Josh."

Josh paced back and forth trying to figure out how he was going to propose his idea. Him and Preston have been getting along pretty well so hopefully this shouldn't be too hard. Just then Preston returned downstairs.

"How did it go?" Josh was talking about the meeting.

"Good I guess. Your father had sent us a letter." Preston told him.

"He did?!" Josh got excited. He hoped it wouldn't interfere with his plans.

"Yes, and it said how he was willing to do a trade if we wanted or he'd resort to fighting." Preston took a seat. "Rob declined on the trade. He's ready to fight."

"When and where is my father suppose to attack?" Josh asked.

"As soon as I deliver a letter back declining his trade offer he'll show up at our door any random day. At least that's what it sounds like." Preston answered. Josh perked up.

"Wait you're going to deliver a letter back?"

"Yeah, why?" Preston didn't understand the significance. This works perfectly with Josh's idea. He just needs Preston to be on board.

"Preston, are we friends?" Josh asked out of the blue.

"Friends?" Preston repeated.

"Yes, can I trust you?" Josh asked hopeful.

"I-I guess, it depends. Why do you need to trust me?" Preston stammered.

"Because, I have an idea and you're the key to making it work. Hear me out on this, I want to work with Lachlan, if he's willing, on how to fix this mess and maybe, hopefully, end the war. It may sound like wishful thinking but it can be done. Our fathers love us very much and I'm sure they'd listen to us. Why should you help me? Let me tell you, first off you get to see Lachlan, second you could help end all of this and everyone will be happy, thirdly, no matter what Lachlan and I decide on doing you will get him back. No one will die, I promise I won't pull something behind your back, and all you have to do is deliver messages, letters, between us." Josh explained.

"So you want me to exchange letters between you and Lachlan in hopes that you and him can work out something that will return you both back to home safely and maybe end the war at the same time?" Preston simplified. Josh nodded, crossing his fingers. Preston thought for a minute.

He wasn't sure if he could work with someone who is still the enemy. Even if Josh is very nice and seems trustworthy, Preston's not sure. He has to stay loyal to his kingdom. But he's not really betraying his side is he? He's not backstabbing them, in fact he'll be working with Lachlan as well. Josh said this would better both sides. As long as he doesn't get caught...

"Okay, I'll work with you but I swear if-"

"I promise. This isn't designed to hurt you it's just to allow me to contact Lachlan. Thank you." Josh smiled brightly. He had Preston's trust. Now he can carry out his plan. "Do you have a pen and paper I could use to write?"

"Oh, of course, one second." Preston rushed upstairs and soon returned with what Josh had asked for. Josh got to work immediately.

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