Chapter 18 ~Plan B~

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Simon paced up and down the hallway before going down the stairs. He was contemplating whether or not he actually wanted to go through with his Plan B. He didn't want to have to do this but it was his only choice. Rob doesn't want to trade and Simon failed in combat. Ethan watched him by the steps with worried look on his face.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ethan broke his train of thought.

"I don't but I have to. It will benefit us in the long run." Simon sighed. "If Rob thinks he can cut off our family tree, then I'll cut off his." Simon put his head up. "Now let's do this." he murmured. Before he went downstairs to see Lachlan, Ethan put his hand on Simon's back. "Thanks." he acknowledged. When he got downstairs he saw Lachlan looking out his little window. "What do you see out there?"

"Oh! Nothing." Lachlan shook his head.

"Perfect because I have something important to tell you." Simon told Lachlan, making him raise an eyebrow. "Your father thinks he is so smart. That he can take away my son and my brother, leaving me with no one to hand my crown to. Well, two can play at that game." Simon laughed.

"What are you going to do with me?" Lachlan's voice shook.

"If you're implying I'm going to kill you you're wrong. My plan B is going to give you a long and privileged life." Simon grinned evilly. Lachlan couldn't take the anticipation. Simon opened the cell door and stepped in. He got really close to Lachlan.

"Just tell me what you're going to with me." Lachlan grew impatient. A smirk tugged on Simon's lips.

"Marry you."

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