Chapter 23 ~Help~

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Lachlan was still standing in the exact same position for weeks. The solid concrete cell. He wondered if when he's married to Simon, if Simon will let him wander around more. Even if that meant being supervised. Lachlan was at a lost right now. Everything is about to change and he has no control or say in anything. He really just wanted someone to talk to. His prayers were answered when Preston showed up.

"Lachlan. Buddy." Preston called, crawling, inching towards the cell window.

"Preston I'm so happy to see you! Can you stay longer this time?" Lachlan asked hopefully. Preston looked around unsure.

"A little bit. Listen, I hate to do this but I probably won't be coming back anymore." Preston said. Lachlan felt his heart deflate.

"What? You're just going to leave me like that?" Lachlan whimpered.

"I'm sorry. I was only doing this for you and Josh. However... I'm not helping Josh anymore. A thing happened. I wish I could still come and visit you but everyone is getting more suspicious of me." Preston explained. Lachlan's head, and the rest of his limbs became heavy. "Lachlan look..."

"No, I understand. I don't want you to get in trouble. I just want help." Lachlan felt like he was being pulled deeper underwater and he was too far gone to be saved.

"Lachlan me, and Vik, and Rob, and everyone else are going to help you. Do you know when the wedding is?" Preston inquired. Lachlan shook his head.

"I think it's best if you hurry home. I'll be waiting here when you come get me. Eventually." Lachlan turned around and shuffled away. Preston felt awful for doing this. He wouldn't have to say "no" to Lachlan if he hadn't said "yes" to Josh. Once Lachlan knew Preston was gone he crawled onto his bed lying on his stomach, face down. He began softly crying as he drifted off into sleep. 

Soon after Lachlan had a small nap, he heard someone calling his name again. Of course it was Simon accompanied by Tobi. Lachlan quietly moaned to himself.

"Lachlan! My lovely!" Simon called.

"Don't. Call me. That." Lachlan grunted.

"Would you like to come out of that cell today?" Simon testified.

"Yes!" Lachlan perked up.

"Than don't talk back to me." Simon fiddled with the keys to open the cell door. Lachlan ran up to the door and waited for Simon to slide it open. "Now don't think you're just going to be able to run around the hallways freely. Tobi is going to guide you upstairs. No talking unless spoken to and don't think you can slip away because we can finish in this cell." Simon instructed.

"I understand, but what are you doing with me?" Lachlan asked before stepping out.

"You are going to get your wedding dress fitted." Simon informed him. Lachlan was not exactly excited about that but anything to get away from the prison cell. The feeling of being in prison will always remain with him however. Tobi put Lachlan's arms behind his back and led him upstairs. The hallways were much different from what Lachlan was used to. The ones at home are more grand and open with large staircases. These ones were narrow and decorated with paintings. The staircases are much thinner and in the shape of a spiral. The prison cells are obviously in the basement and the room Lachlan was taken to, was one above the main floor. Inside stood three ladies.

"Good afternoon ladies." Simon greeted.

"Good afternoon King Simon and Sir Tobi." they said in unison.

"So, Lachlan, these are the seamstresses that will put together your dress. I trust that they will know what would look best on you." Simon. "Tobi will stay in this room to watch you incase you begin to cause any trouble." Simon added. "I guess that is all. I shall leave you ladies to your work." Simon nodded his head and then left.

"Goodbye!" the girls sung.

Lachlan stood still on the pedestal as the ladies examined and measured him. They conversed among each other ideas. Their voices buzzed in Lachlan's head. Soon enough they were completely tuned out. He stared at himself in the mirror in front of him. Lachlan thought he was looking at a different person. He was much paler, thinner, and so unhappy. He looked weaker in general. Lachlan's body has given up and his mind may too soon. Preston says that him and the rest of them haven't given up. Help, any kind, that's all he wants.

Stolen Princesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें