Chapter 8

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The ride back to the edge was pretty quiet. The whole situation about the Great Hall being burned caused us all to remain silent.

But when we got to the edge, Windspike landed at the foot of the Clubhouse. I swung my leg over and landed roughly on the ground. I carefully took out the Book of Dragons and brushed burned wood off of it. Then I patted Windspike and she began to explore around the Edge, mingling with the other dragons.

I tread up the stairs to the Clubhouse and met up with the rest of the gang.

Hiccup turned away from Toothless and glanced at me. Then at the book. Then back at me and then back at the book. He walked over to me and stuck out his hands. "I can try to fix the cover." Hiccup said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Ya I'll give it a shot." Hiccup said. I handed him the book and then he walked over to the corner of the Clubhouse. He sat down and began to toy with the cover.

"I'm gonna make dinner!" Fishlegs said excitedly. Fishlegs loved to read and cook. Its his two favorite things to do. It's a little weird but he likes to make different foods for people to enjoy. Fishlegs just really takes pleasure in making people happy. Besides, he's really good. "Can we help?" Ruffnut asked.

The twins have the tendency to mess everything up. Since we are talking food, the twins would be able to make yak bean stew, look and taste like a rock. Fishlegs was longing to say no to the twins, but he wasn't going to be rude. He's not the kind of guy to say no to things. "Um...yes?" He said awkwardly. The twins cheered and did a little dance. Then they linked arms and skipped over to Fishleg's hut to go make dinner. Fishlegs was disappointed with his decision and dragged his feet on the way to his hut.

Once Fishlegs and the twins were no where near us, Snotlout couldn't help but tease. "Fishlegs is gonna freak out. Cooking with the twins? That's a world, I don't wanna live in." Snotlout said. "Ya, but he did a good thing." I said. Astrid couldn't resist tagging along. "True. But just wait, Fishlegs is gonna explode." Astrid said. We all laughed and then talked for a bit. Astrid and I comfortably leaned against the entryway of the Clubhouse while Snotlout stood standing and telling a story.


It was getting close to sundown and I wanted to start working on the Book of Dragons before then.

I pushed my back off of the wall and I went over by Hiccup. I wanted to take a look at how the cover was coming along.

"Is it okay?" I asked. "Yep, the edges are still a little burned but I can fix that later. For now, do you wanna work on the pages?" Hiccup asked, still examining the cover. "Sure." I said. "Ok, have Astrid help you. I'm gonna take a look at the Dragon Eye." Hiccup said. He handed me the book and I held it comfortably in my left hand. "Ok-Astrid, come with me." I said. Hiccup got up and went to pick up the Dragon Eye.

"Where are we going?" Astrid asked. "Down by the water, I need help fixing the Book of Dragons." I said. "I can help!" Snotlout added. "Snotlout why don't you do something else. I'd rather not be overwhelmed by facts." I said politely. Snotlout frowned and then began his walk to his hut. He stomped down each step and slouched the whole way back to his hut.

"Is he okay?" I asked Astrid. "He's fine, lets go work on the Book." Astrid said pushing off the wall.

Astrid and I walked down by the water. We sat down where the land meets the water and hung our feet over the small cliff. Astrid began giving me facts about the Stocker class. I jotted down every fact I heard. There were a few times where Astrid would write down a few extra facts as well. I wrote quickly and then we went straight into the Tracker class.

"Like I said, the book needed updating. Stormfly and Windspike are no longer in the Sharp class, they're in the Tracker class. But you can put something mentioning that they were in the sharp class if you want." Astrid said.

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