Chapter 23

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While in training, we could faintly here pots and spoons being dropped on the ground as well as Snotlout running into things every once in a while. We did our best ignore it and continue training. Whenever Windspike would take a break I would have to work on the obstacle myself. I broke a sweat after the first completion and couldn't catch my breath until it was all over.

Once we finally wrapped up training, the gang locked our dragons in their pens and made their way to the hut. I stopped to watch the sunset.

I did my usual routine, walk over to the cliff, admire the sunset, talk to my mom, and watch the sun disappear until the stars dot the sky. I stood up and headed over to Fishleg's hut once finished. We all gathered at the table, sitting anxiously prepared for whatever Snotlout was about to serve.

He dropped a plate in front of me. I could here my food plop and slosh. There was a bowl of mutton in front of me, a few toasted nuts and a yak buttered melt as the dessert.

No one dared to lift a fork or a spoon, we just stared at our plate surprised that it actually looked enjoyable.

"Well?" Snotlout asked. We all finally picked up our fork and dug in. I decided to taste the mutton first. I cut a slice and slowly dug my fork into the meat. But it barely went through. The meat was still hard. I stabbed it really hard with my fork until was injected into the meat.

I nervously brought my fork to my lips and bit into the mutton. But it was almost impossible. The meat was undercooked, still pink and raw. I couldn't bite into it, it was way too hard and it tasted like copper.

I held back my bangs and spit the mutton back on my plate, fortunately no one noticed. Next I went to the toasted nuts, which looked okay. But once tossed into my mouth they tasted stale and burned. When I bit into the nuts, they were strangely chewy instead of crunchy. It was like bitting into jelly. I tried to swallow it down without making a nauseated face.

The last thing to try was the yak buttered melt, that's my favorite dessert. I plunged my fork in, but the butter melt completely fell into a milky fluid. It's called a yak buttered melt, but it's not necessarily supposed to melt.

" you like it?" Snotlout asked. None of us said a word, just exchanged a few glances and then looked down. It was silent for what felt like five minutes but was really only a few seconds. "Don't all answer at once." Snotlout stated sarcastically.

"Okay, truth is, this food sucks, my foot would taste better than that mutton." Tuffnut implied. "I've eaten moldy Lincoln berries that tasted better than that buttered melt." Ruffnut shouted. "And you left the meat far undercooked! Did you even try to grill it at all?" Fishlegs questioned. "And why do those nuts look like they came from the side of a cliff?" Gustav asked, putting as much sarcasm in there as he could.

Snotlout just smirked and watched everyone despise their meal. He took everything as a joke.

"I'm not eating this." Fishlegs complained. He pushed his plate towards the middle of the table and stood up. "Snotlout, sit! I'll make dinner, but it's not gonna be anything special." Snotlout sat in Fishlegs seat which was directly across from me. His hands were placed in his lap and he was slouching. Snotlout's face was angled towards the table but his eyes shot up and gave me a weird glare. His forehead had a few wrinkles on them from the angle he was looking at me. A wicked grin appeared on his face and he chucked slightly. He felt so accomplished over nothing.

Fishlegs quickly toasted some bread and slathered some butter and meat on it. Then he squished the two loaves together and made a sandwich. He made a sandwich for everyone and placed the food in front of all of us, all except Snotlout.

Snotlout turned around in his chair, resting his arm on the frame. "Hey fishface, where's mine?" He asked rudely. "You can kiss the sandwich goodbye Snotlout either eat your own food or you can go to bed without dinner." Fishlegs called out, still placing plates.

Snotlout slapped his hands on the table and stomped out of the hut, he slammed the door behind him. The hut shook. We all glanced at each other with our eyes wide and checks stuffed with food.

"That was intense." Astrid said, her cheeks bulging out because of her massive sandwich intake.

Before I took a bite, I placed my food back on my plate. I slipped my hand underneath the plate and then held the edges. I stood up slowly, still holding my plate. "Where are you going?" Hiccup questioned, his mouth also filled with food. "I'll be right back." Then I walked over to the door. It was hard to open because of the harsh way it was shut but it jerked opened and I sauntered out, lightly closing it behind me.

I ambled over to Snotlout's hut. I felt bad making him go to bed hungry. I turned the corner and saw Snotlout. His back rested on the ground and his hands were resting on his chest, moving up and down as he breathed.

"Snotlout?" I called to him. He did a weak and sluggish kick with his right leg and his head fell to the side. He was asleep. His eyes were close and he was snoring softly. I quietly stepped over to him and placed the food by his head. Then I turned around and walked off, he stopped me.

"Hadley." He said, his voice tired. I turned around to find his eyes open. "Thank you." He said politely. I grinned absently and then continued my walk back to Fishlegs hut. I still didn't fully forgive or trust Snotlout, uncomfort tickled my stomach.

I raised my hand to open the door but I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I sucked in a deep breath and refused to move. It could've been anything, I was petrified.

A large and buff figure came marching my way, his shoulders swayed exaggerated side to side as he walked. I had seen that figure before, it was my dad's. Another bulkier shape faded into a clearing. It was Stoick.

I let go of my held breath and jogged over to them. Once again I hugged my dad but let go quickly. "Hey pumpkin, how was dinner?" He always called me pumpkin. It was what mom always called me. "It's was..." I wanted to explain to him about Snotlout making dinner first, but instead I referred to Fishleg's sandwiches. "...really good."

My dad smiled sweetly but he refused to let his teeth show.

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