Five: To The Bar!

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~Troye's POV~

So, we decided to go out & get drinks. My tour has already SOLD OUT! I am so glad, I've decided to celebrate. But Tyler wanted to go out anyway, before we found out about my tour. Besides the tour, I nearly kissed Tyler. He said I could, I was about to, but I decided that I couldn't give him the satisfaction. I can tell he likes me now, it's such a great feeling. He probably knows I like him too, but I'm not going to say I do until I feel the need.

Tyler is wearing a black button up & a pair of light wash skinny jeans. I'm wearing Tyler's pizza shirt with a pair of dark wash skinny jeans. I put some gel in my hair, not enough to where it looks like I have gel in my hair, but enough to where my hair won't be entirely fucked up by the end of the night. Tyler did the same to his hair.

"Alright, let's go! We're meeting Zalfie at the bar" Tyler smiles.

"How am I going to get into the bar, again? I don't think you ever told me."

"So, here's the plan..."
Alfie, Tyler & I walk to the entrance extremely close together. Zoe is our designated driver tonight, so we have a ride home. Tyler & I took an uber
(which I thought was the most weird thing oh my goodness).

"Remember the plan?" Tyler questions quietly. I nod lightly, hopefully unnoticeable. There is a tall, muscular man standing at the door. Tyler & Alfie go in successfully, while he stops me. His dark eyes match his dark complexion. His hateful look & deep voice frightened me. But, I'm a good actor.

"ID, sir" he says, his deep voice bouncing off the brick walls.

"Sure, one second." I search through my wallet, pretending not to find it.

"Oh, damn. I must have left it at the house" I say in my most thick Australian accent.

"A tourist, huh?" He questions, smirking at me.

"Yes sir, just came from Aussie a little while ago, going on a tour of how nice people are in San Fransisco. So far, so good" I say, sideways glancing at Tyler. He's holding back a laugh.

"Well, how old are you, sir?" He questions, his entire attitude changing in the blink of an eye.

"Just turned twenty-one a few weeks ago. Celebrated in Aussie with a few drinks, I'm hoping to celebrate here with my mates tonight" I look at him pitifully "that is the legal age here, right?"

"Yes sir, but I don't know if I can trust you. You don't look twenty one" he says slowly, his demeanor changing again.

"I really am" I hear my accent getting stronger "please, mate. Next time I come back I promise I'll bring my ID."

"...Just because you're a tourist. Just this once. Hope you enjoy. Don't tell my boss" the man says sternly.

"No sir! Thank you" I smile, going in with Tyler & Alfie.

"Nice acting, Aussie boy" Alfie laughs.

"Although I have a little accent, it just feels weird to do a full on accent" I laugh.

The room is clouded with smoke, most likely from electric cigarettes & vapes. The smell isn't half bad, believe it or not. The smell of alcohol barley overtakes the smell of the vapes & cigarettes. We go up to the bar, Tyler ordering us each a shot of straight whiskey.

"To Troye Sivan, the most successful, cute twink I know" Tyler smiles. We all down the shots. The liquid burns going down, but once it's down, I feel a sense of relief.

"I'm going to the bathroom a few" Alfie says, motioning in the other direction. I look at Tyler, who is ordering four shots; two for me, two for him.

"Cute, huh?" I question with a half smile as I take the next shot in my hand.

"Hell yeah!" Tyler smiles "You're a cutie!"

We both down the next two shots. I'm already feeling quite drunk.

"Oh my god this is my jam!" Tyler yells. I hear Partition by Beyoncé come on all the sudden. Tyler grabs my hands, pulling me to the dance floor.

"Are you drunk enough to dance?" Tyler laughs as he asks me. His speech isn't even slurred, & he just had three straight shots of whiskey. He can sure handle his liquor better than I can.

"I guess" I say. I notice my words are slowly becoming slurred. Tyler just laughs again, pulling me close to him. He's still holding my hands, & frankly, I'm too drunk to stop him from making me dance.

Tyler begins singing, I'm guessing his favorite part:

"Take all of me
I just wanna be the girl you like
The kinda girl you like
Take all of me
I just wanna be the girl you like
The kinda girl you like
Is right here with me."

He spins me around, causing me to trip over my own feet (more than I usually do). When the song ends, I go back to the bar, ordering myself a cherry margarita. The alcohol burns, but at least the flavor of cherry makes up for it. My vision is starting to get blurry, my words probably slurred. But this feels so good. I bought Tyler a beer.

"Here boo" I smile, handing him the Budlight Lime.

"You are drunk" Tyler laughs.

"I guess" I say, knowing I am. Especially since that came out "aye gas".

"Oh my god yass bitch!" Tyler yells. Apparently another song he likes. I listen closer, hearing it's Beyoncé again, except this time it's Flawless.

"Come here, right now" Tyler grabs my arm, pulling me so close to him, I feel his breath on me.

He is grinding on me, finishing his beer. When he gets drunk, his face gets really red for some reason. I am entirely not against this, I just wish I could remember this in the morning...Although we just got here, I know it's going to be a hell of a night.
Zoe & Alfie had to drag Tyler & I out of the bar at three in the morning. I barley remember getting out of the car & coming back to the apartment. When I wake up, I'm on the couch, my legs completely spread out. Tyler is laying in the kitchen floor, for some reason. What happened?

"Tyler" I say, my voice coming out rather raspy. I look at my phone to see its nearly one in the afternoon. Damn.

"What?" Tyler says, sitting up, rubbing his head. "Oh GOD, last night was intense, I don't even remember it."

"Me neither. Can I get a painkiller or something? And some Nutella?"

"Get it your damn self" Tyler mutters. I go to the kitchen, my legs shaky for some reason. I get a huge spoonful of Nutella, taking it like medicine. Nutella is my medicine for a hangover. That & painkillers.

I go into the bathroom, getting four painkillers; two for Tyler, of course. I hand him the painkillers & a glass of water. I take the painkillers, slowly beginning to reminisce last night. I remember Beyoncé coming on once or twice, but after that everything is a blur. I remember being with Tyler all night, I don't even remember seeing Alfie.

That's the only thing I hate about drinking; the hangover the morning after.😒💊

Drunk Tyler is the best😂 I'll be updating pretty regularly until school starts Monday😏 but yeah! Hope you enjoyed.

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