Twenty-Six: Snervous

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~Troye's POV~

Tyler nervously walks back over to my pitiful excuse of a bed, sitting down as close as he possibly can to me. I feel his heat radiating on me, which is nice; comforting, almost.

"Are you sure everything is okay with Sage? I mean, she looked pretty upset-" Tyler starts, looking back at the doorway.

"We argued like a normal brother and sister do" I reply honestly "now, seriously, where were we?"

"Well" Tyler says cautiously "talking about giving Troyler another try-" he cuts himself off.

"Oh, that" I chuckle, like I don't really care "do you think we should?"

"Don't get me wrong" Tyler stammers "I really, really want to. I'm just-scared."

"Why are you scared? I'm scared too."

"Well" Tyler swallows hard "there's something you don't know about me."

"Really?" I question, thinking it's something not too serious.

"Really, Troye. Zoe doesn't even know. Queen Jackie doesn't even know. Only I know, and it's killing me each and every day." I see Tyler's eyes begin to glisten with tears, causing me to tense up at my once goofy tone.

"Tyler" I say quickly, taking his hand in mine "I'm so sorry. I didn't think it was something that major. I won't force you to tell me now, because I don't want people to overhear, but when we're alone, really alone, you can tell me if you'd like. Tyler" I say, inhaling slowly "you can tell me absolutely anything, remember that. Whether we're together or not."

"Thanks, Troye" he smiles lightly, looking at the ground. He squeezes my hand before he opens his beautiful lips to speak again.

"Why are you scared? Really?"

"This is my first serious relationship with a man, as you know. You're a lot older than me-" I start.

"Don't use that bullshit excuse" Tyler laughs, back like his old self "six years is not that bad."

"Still" I roll my eyes "you've dated guys, and I haven't, really. This is all new, and beautiful, and lovely, and stressful, but it's a beautiful disaster. I'm scared because I don't want to really lose you, Tyler. Even if we do break up one day, for real, I don't want us to absolutely hate each other."

"How could I hate you, Troye Sivan?" Tyler asks with his beautiful smile. While he smiles at me, he looks at my lips, then back to my eyes, causing me to grin. This is exactly what he does when he wants me to kiss him. It's the most adorable thing in my opinion.

I lean in, entirely ready for my lips to reach his soft ones, when-

"Is this the Tyler you were telling me about?"

I lean back, seeing my doctor standing in the doorway.

"Oh, sorry,  am I interrupting something? Your sister said it was fine for me to come in-"

"No, it's fine, doctor" I half smile, entirely lying "is there something urgent you need to tell me?"

"Actually, yes. It's about your departure."

Tyler squeezes my hand, looking back and forth between the doctor and I.

"I've spoken to my co workers" he sighs "and they liked my idea of letting you go free of supervision. But, you may have to stay in the hospital a bit longer than two weeks, I'm afraid."

"How much longer than two weeks?" Tyler questions before I can even open my lips to speak.

"Hopefully just a week added on, it depends on how Troye's mental state is within the next two weeks" the doctor nods in my direction. Tyler and I nod almost in harmony, causing the doctor to smile.

"Hey, who is that girl outside in the waiting room, she looks very familiar-" he starts.

"That's the YouTuber your sister likes, Zoella" I smile "Tyler, can you go get Zoe for me, please?" He nods hesitantly, leaving the doctor and I alone.

"Everything seems pretty good with you and Tyler" he smiles.

"They are so much better" I pause, biting my lip "but doctor, I'm doing so much better, just since he flew in a few hours ago and came to see me."

"I know that, I can tell. He's only been here barley two hours, and your whole demeanor has changed. I'm so happy you're doing so much better." He pats my shoulder, smiling at me with sincere compassion.

"I'm trying to waver them into letting you go in the two weeks. If you keep this up, and they see that, you will easily be out of here in two weeks, okay?" I nod, smiling again. He ruffles my hair in an almost brotherly way.

"Thank you" I whisper, so grateful I have such a down-to-earth doctor.

Ty quickly reenters the room with a smiling Zoe Sugg.

"Hello!" She smiles, hugging my doctor "Your sister is a fan of my channel?"

"Yes, I believe. She loves your tutorials, and you're all she talks about" he rolls his eyes. Zoe laughs, her eyes squinting in the cute way they do when she laughs too hard.

"Well, I'll gladly sign something for you to give to her, if you'd like someday! I'll be staying in Florence for a few days." The doctor nods, entirely immersed in that conversation. I look at Tyler, seeing he's just looking at his shoes, entirely blocking out the world.

"Tilly" I say, looking directly him. He acts like he doesn't hear me, not even flinching.

"Ty" I say, slightly louder.

"Tyler?" Zoe suddenly questions, looking back at him mid conversation with the doctor. Before I can stop him, he's running out my hospital door, out of the waiting room, and I'm assuming, out of the hospital without an explanation.

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