Thirteen: Talk Me Down.

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~Tyler's POV~

Troye has barley been gone for a day & I miss him immensely. I say that because it's entirely true.

Although I technically did cheat on him.

I was forced into that disgusting, sloppy kiss, & I practically heard my heart shatter. Korey sure doesn't regret it; that bitch. I had to nearly push them out the door, him more than Hannah, of course. But today I've got a very busy day, & I don't have time to think about last night.

I don't have time to feel.

I want to text Troye, but he didn't respond when I texted him last, & I feel guilty for the whole thing; I'll end up shutting him out & I don't want to do that to my baby.

So, I turn on some Lady Gaga & begin getting ready for my big day of interviews, meet & greets, book signings, and fan bombardments. I mean, Troye must not really care about texting me anyway, right?

~Troye's POV~

My fingers linger across the keyboard, unsure of what to type. It's roughly two in the afternoon here. I've been touring the city, since my next tour date isn't for a few days. I have a meet & greet this evening, but I'm really just enjoying myself for the afternoon. So, although my brain told me not to, my heart screamed at me & told me to text Tyler.

So, I seen you hung out with Korey last night😊-WILD

I don't get a response immediately, which I didn't really expect considering I had no idea what time it was in San Fransisco or what Tyler had planned today. So, I casually walk around the London streets, my hood on so I hopefully wouldn't be recognized. I feel like a criminal in a crime show with my attire, but I guess it's necessary after the huge crowd last night.

Shortly after my reminiscing of last night, my phone vibrates, notifying me I've gotten a text.

Yeah, not what I wanted tbh🙄-Ty

Why? I thought you two were best friends...?-WILD

WERE. He's an absolute bitch. 🖕💅🏼-Ty

Whaa? Why? 🙀🙁-WILD

Every time something good happens to me he wants to fuck it up. -Ty


Nevermind, sweetheart, don't worry about it. I miss you. Is that weird?🤓-Ty

No, I miss you as well.😊 but tell me, love..-WILD

I lock my phone, chewing on my bottom lip as I continue to walk.

Suddenly, a huge gust of wind blows, knocking off my hood. My phone vibrates, but I can't respond.

"OH MY GOD, IS THAT TROYE SIVAN?!?" A girl screams, pointing at me.

Oh shit.

~Tyler's POV~

Ok Sivan, this is going to hurt you, but you asked. Korey & Hannah came over as you know. Hannah left us to get some drinks, & when she left, Korey made a move on me & kissed me. Disgustingly, sloppily; I pushed him off me, I promise. I feel disgusting. I just need you. I miss your comforting arms. I hate him. 😓-Ty

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