Seven: Troyler+Zoe

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2 days later...

~Tyler's POV~

After Troye & I slept together that first night, we decided to do so as long as he stays. He said it helped him with his anxiety, it sure felt amazing to me.

Anyways, the morning after I had to get up so early I didn't even get to tell Troye goodbye. But, when I came in after the meet & greet at dinner, Troye had poured us some red wine & got us Taco Bell. He greeted me at the door with a hug & a smile, then handed me the glass of red wine. When I seen the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos I completely lost my shit. I knew I really liked him before, but it is certain I am in love with him now. He really cares for me...

It's hard for me to tell in which way.

Troye is a really really hard book to read. He bottles up his emotions until he explodes. Then he feels guilty about it later. I know because that happened last time he was here. We were talking then he blew up at me because he was secretly having family problems, Tyde especially, & then he went to the guest bedroom & cried & apologized. Poor kid. Although he's not really a kid now.

We're currently sitting on the couch, about to watch Dear John for the second time since Troye has been here.

"So..." I trail off "Dear John."

Troye nods.

He takes out his phone, typing rapidly. Whatever he's typing must be important.

"Well, if you're not going to watch it, I'm picking out something I want to watch." He nods.

"How about Hitch? It has Will Smith in it!" I question optimistically.

"Sure" Troye smiles, continuing to type. I sigh audibly loud, causing Troye to give me a crooked smile.

Then, just as the opening title comes on, my phone vibrates.

I don't want to watch this movie😕-TRXYE

Why? What do you want to watch then, party pooper?🙄-Ty

Nothing. I want to tell you how I feel, but at the moment I'm too scared to say it aloud. -TRXYE

Oh. What do you mean, how you feel? Are you alright?-Ty

There's just something I need to get off my chest. -TRXYE

I look at him, seeing he's refusing to look at me right now. Before I can text back, I hear a knock at the door.

When I open, a smiling Zoe is standing in our doorway. She's wearing a black SnapBack that says Tumblr in white text, her hair in a side braid, & a dark maroon lipstick. She's wearing this vintage looking black & white top with a short black skirt, black tights, & black flats. She looked really cute.

"I have came to save you from boredom!" She squeals, hugging me tight.

"Oh, hey Troye!" She smiles, running to him. I notice she has a board game in her hand. Not just any board game;


"How are you going to play Twister with a skirt like that?" I question. She giggles lightly as she's hugging Troye.

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