Nine: Flower Crowns & Tear Stains.

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2 days later...

~Zoe's POV~

"How can you be so selfish? Just curious" I mutter, sitting down next to Alfie. He's doing so much better now, he's barley sniffling. But he's still upset with me for caring about Troye & Tyler.

"I'm not selfish, I just don't understand why suddenly your world revolves around Troyler" Alfie says, raising his voice at me.

"Um, maybe because we're in America? Tomorrow is literally our last day, so I'm going to hang out with them. I don't understand why you won't come with me" I question as calmly as I can. It's pretty early in the morning, I was just about to go to Tyler's apartment to see them one last time before we go back to London, but Alfie stopped me & started calling me selfish & all this. I don't really understand. I just care for my friends, who I don't get to see all that often.

"You've seen them nearly more than you've seen me, Zoe. It's getting on my nerves" Alfie mutters, grabbing my hand.

"Hey, stop. Look, I'll make it up to you in London..." I mutter.

"No you won't" Alfie says, obviously looking hurt by what I said.

"Look, I'm going, I've had enough of you here lately" I say, my voice rising shakily. Yikes. I didn't want this to turn into a full blown argument.

"Oh, really?" He says, sarcasm seeping into his voice.

"Yes, Alfie. You're not my boss, you're supposed to be my support system, my love...But I think we need a break from each other" I blurt.

"...What?" He says, his eyes glistening.

"You heard me" I say. I feel tears forming in my eyes. Geeze, all this over seeing my friends...

"Go, then. Maybe I'll just fly to London today, & see you there tomorrow." He rolls his eyes yet again, beginning to pack his things.

"Alfie" I say weakly.

"After all, this is what you want, right?" When he turns around, I see he has tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I just want to see my friends. But if you want to leave, go ahead. I'll see you in London."

I storm out, grabbing my purse & slamming the door behind me. Stupid Alfie & his ego. Why can't he just be kind & loving no matter what I did like he used to be?

~Troye's POV~

I'm holding a sleeping Tyler in my arms, singing to him lightly, playing with his hair. He's so precious, I could hold him here in my arms forever.

As I close my eyes & just enjoy this blissful moment, I hear a knock at Tyler's door. He jolts up, looking at me quickly.

"The fuck?" Is Tyler's immediate reaction, causing me to giggle.

He opens the door, immediately embraced by Zoe.

"Zoe?" Tyler questions, turning her back to him.

"Hey" she sniffles "I brought some activities for us to do."

"Why are you crying, dear? Come sit. Now" Tyler literally pulls her on the couch, directly next to me. I'm really not the best with crying people; I dunno, an anxiety thing. Zoe collapses on my shoulder, causing me to tense up.

"What's going on?" Tyler questions, petting her while she cries on me.

"Alfie & I kind of had an, erm, falling out" she says, her hot breath tickling my neck. Tyler pulls her up, thankfully. He must could tell I'm not too good with comfort.

"What do you mean, falling out? Do I need to cut a bitch?" Tyler questions, glaring at her head.

"His ego is just too much sometimes. He's flying back without me" she cries. Tyler strokes her hair, looking at me.

"What is this?" He questions, looking through her bag she brought.

"We're making flower crowns" she sniffles, wiping tears off her cheeks.

"That's cute, but why, dear?" Tyler questions, taking a piece of her hair between his fingers & playing with it.

"Because I'm upset & I need a distraction" she sniffles "Troye, let's craft."

Cautiously, I sit on the other side of her, taking out some daisies & looking at the instructions. I don't speak, & pretend to actually be interested in making a flower crown.

"You too, Tilly." Zoe looks at Tyler, nudging his shoulder.

"Yeah, of course" he says quickly, doing almost exactly what I'm doing. She fiddles with the flowers, tossing some on Tyler's lap. Zoe elaborately explains how to make a flower crown, all the while sniffling & brushing her tears off to the side. My flower crown consisted of blue roses, while Tyler's was pink roses & sunflowers. Zoe made three or four in the amount it took us to make our own.

"Thanks for tolerating Zoe the hot mess" Zoe curtsies as she's about to exit the apartment.

"You know we're here for you any time" Tyler looks at me for a second, then smiles back at Zoe.

"Thank you" she grins wholeheartedly "I'll be leaving tomorrow, but thanks for everything, Tyler."

"Don't thank me, that's what friends do" he smiles as she opens the door.

When she finally exits after a number of goodbyes, Tyler looks at me, a huge grin on his face.

"So..." Tyler trails off.

"Hmm?" I question, looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

"You haven't kissed me since the day we got together. Which was two days ago. And you won't cuddle me as good anymore!" Tyler complains, making sure to over exaggerate.

"I don't want everything to be at once" I half smile "you are the first boyfriend I've ever had."

"I-oh. Really?" Tyler's face goes red.

"Yeah" I feel my face heating up "so..."

"Well, I'm sorry" Tyler blushes "I'm just used to a fast pace, I had no idea-"

"It's fine. I'm gonna be on Tumblr for a while" I lean down, kissing his hair "I'll be in the guest bedroom."

And with that, I was gone. Hidden in the guest bedroom, so he couldn't see my blushing face, coated in absolute embarrassment.

guys I'm so sorry for not updating, I finally have motivation for this story. if ya'll still care, here's an update. yay :3 hope you enjoyed☺️

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