Fourteen: Paris

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~Troye's POV~

The next day, I meet up with Chasity, Sage & Lawrence to travel to my next tour location; Paris, France. I've never been to Paris, although I've always wanted to go. So this is like a dream come true; I'll be singing on stage in Paris; it seems too good to be real.

"Wow, this is so exciting. I'm glad I get to travel with you all & be your chauffeur for your entire tour!" Chasity giggles. Her hair is put to a side braid, she doesn't seem to be wearing makeup & she's in her uniform. It's relatively early, around eight in the morning. I haven't texted Tyler yet, but I've decided to just wait until he texts me; if he ever does.

"We're glad to have you, Chasity" Lawrence smiles, nudging my shoulder. Sage looks at me, trying not to smile.

"Are you going to Paris with us?" I question, waltzing over to her.

"I'm afraid not, I know you'll miss me so." She playfully punches my shoulder. She's wearing a gorgeous lime green mid length dress, clinging to her skin. She's also wearing black stilettos, & she looks like something out of a fashion magazine.

"So you're heading back home?" I question, pretending to pout.

"Mhmm, good old Perth" she smiles "besides, I have to tell everyone back home how amazing you were."

"Thanks, sis." I hug her lightly, tracing circles along her back with my fingers.

"No problem, it's the truth." She leans close to me "now, you be careful with your medication, alright? Only take it when you need it. I know I'm your little sister & all, I just don't want you to turn into Lindsay Lohan on me" she grins, punching me again.

"Don't worry about that" I half smile "I will, I'll be alright." We look into each other's eyes. I begin to think about all the fighting and everything Sage & I have been through together. And now we're here, actually content with each other.

"I love you" I whisper, squeezing her hand.

"I love you too" she grins.

"Well, Ms. Mellet, I guess I should drive you to the airport. Your luggage is already loaded, so whenever you're ready" Chasity says awkwardly, looking up at us. Sage nods, hugging me again.

"See you soon, big brother."

She walks to the limo, climbing in the back. Lawrence & I sit on a small bench while Chasity & Sage drive away, heading to the airport. Our flight isn't for another hour, so we can relax a little.

"Your sister really loves you" Lawrence says out of the blue.

"Why you say that?"

"Just the way her face lights up when she talks about your first EP; she really looks up to you, kiddo. Whether she admits it or not." Lawrence nudges my shoulder, causing me to think more on the words. I mean, I knew after all the fights & such Sage loved me, I mean that's what siblings do, but I had no idea she looked up to me. I had no idea I was so important to her. I had no idea she was seriously proud of me. These words amaze me as they race through my thoughts. I notice Lawrence is snapping his fingers in my face. I must have been too caught up in my thoughts to notice he was trying to get my attention.

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