Twenty-Nine: Dawn To Dusk

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alright first a little promo for my amazing AMAZING friend Jude Frappier. He lives in Albuquerque and he makes music and just it's perfection. He's literally the chillest person and since it's on SoundCloud, it won't let me post it above so you should click this link. To let you know, it's house music with piano, ukelele, and vocals and it's just :0000 but okay I'll let you go back to Troyler you lovely people.

~Troye's POV~

Worried does not even begin to cover the emotions I'm feeling right now. I'm almost physically sick I'm so worried about Tyler. Zoe left to be with him, I could if I were able, but I haven't heard anything from either of them and it's nearly been an hour. According to Lawrence and Chasity, Sage got a one way flight back to Perth, and frankly, I don't give a damn anymore. If she wants to be that overdramatic about who I'm with, then she can just leave until she can understand. I probably sound childish myself, so I'm just going to stop dwelling on her.

I focus back on Tyler, hoping that he's okay. The doctors had to give me a small dose of my anxiety medication just to calm me down ever so slightly.

"Hey, Troye" my doctor suddenly says, standing in my doorway. If he didn't speak, I wouldn't have known he was there.


"I'm sorry about whatever happened with your boyfriend. He seemed pretty upset-" he starts.

"It wasn't about us, I don't believe" I frown.

"Oh, alright. Well, I-I have some good and bad news."

"Okay" I exhale nervously, my voice shaking.

"Good news, you're out of here tomorrow."

"REALLY?!" I squeak, my eyes widened. He nods, giving me a high five.

"Yes. But, here comes the bad news."

"Lovely" I frown, remembering there always is a flip side to everything.

"You're going to be put in another hospital. A psychiatric hospital."

My heart practically stops when he says the word "psychiatric".

"Now, don't panic, it's not going to be in Italy, it's going to be in America. California, actually."

I'm still tense; I can't believe I'm going to be in a psychiatric hospital.

"Well, another good thing is that you don't have to go for a week. So you can spend that unsupervised with your friends and boyfriend."

"Thank you, I know you tried" I frown, tears stinging my eyes, threatening to leave.

"Apparently not hard enough. The staff here thinks  you have psychiatric issues that need to be resolved in another hospital before you get thrown back on tour and stuff."

I sigh, looking up at the fluorescent lights. I tried to hide my emotions from the doctor, and thankfully it works. He doesn't say anything else. As he's about to exit, I open my mouth to speak.

"Can you turn off the lights? I've got a headache."

"Sure thing, Mr. Mellet."

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