Thirty-Eight: Restart‍❤️‍

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5 days later....

~Troye's POV~

It's my last day in Florence, Italy for quite a while.Tyler's been tearing up all morning, but he's been trying so hard to hide it, I pretend I don't notice.

"You okay, Tilly?" I question eventually as I finish putting my clothes in my paper bags.

"No" he sniffles "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm a phone call away, baby" I smile, holding him tightly in my arms. We stay there a few moments, refusing to move. I feel Tyler's tear droplets hitting my shirt; Tyler's so tense.

"I don't want to lose you" he whispers "I really, really don't want to lose you now."

"Matthew Tyler Oakley" I blurt, pulling away from him. I cross my arms defiantly, pouting.

"You're joking, right?" I roll my eyes "I lost my virginity to you. I've spent the craziest few days of my life with you. I know almost everything about you, and I still don't want to change a thing. I fucking LOVE YOU, TYLER OAKLEY" I practically yell, tears in my eyes. I don't want to lose him either, but I've been trying to stay strong, for Tilly's sake.

"And I swear, you're not going to lose me" I say, holding his face in my hands. I gently trace circles on his cheeks, just staring him directly in the eyes. This is the last tender moment we'll have for who knows how long. Softly, I place a kiss on his lips, gingerly, I wrap my arms around his neck. I deepen the kiss in just the slightest, pulling away so I can tug at his lips. He lets out a small moan, causing me to smile back into the kiss. He pulls away, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I love you too, Troye Sivan Mellet" he smiles, tears still pouring down "I'll come back and visit you on tour. I'll visit you at the hospital if I can."

"Okay" I retaliate quietly, my arms still around his neck. I pull away, smiling awkwardly.

"I need to vape" I state as I walk away from Tyler "I won't get to for a while, and I really need this before I lose my shit."

"Lose your shit?" Tyler questions, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"Yes, I'm going to miss you so very much. I don't know how I can handle it. We'll have to try to Skype or text every day, okay, baby?" I question with a smile, getting out my box vape from the drawer. I begin putting in the gummy bear flavor, trying to focus all my energy on the vape instead of my emotions.

"Okay, for sure. I know you can't when you're in the hospital, but when you go home or go back on tour, then we'll talk. I'll do everything I can to be in communication with you" Tyler says, his voice full of determination.

I turn on my vape, inhaling the gummy bear flavor. As I exhale, clouds and clouds of smoke begin erupting from my lips. I feel small amounts of stress slowly begin to melt away. Tyler flops down next to me, smelling the smoke.

"Gummy bears?" he questions with a faint smile.

"Yeah, this is one of my favorite flavors" I smile, vapor going out as I speak. I take another big hit, closing my eyes as I inhale.

"It smells good" Tyler chuckles "if I smoked, I'm sure I'd like this."

"Gummy bears match your bright, fruity personality" I smile, continuing to blow smoke in the air. Tyler grabs my empty hand, squeezing it lightly.

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