Twenty-Five: Sage Mellet

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~Tyler's POV~

"What do you think you're doing here?" Sage questions with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, I'm currently talking to my boyfriend" I say, smiling at Troye.

"No" she whispers "you didn't."

"What? I love him, Sage, and you're not keeping us apart" Troye says, glaring at his sister.

"And to think you had the nerve" Sage spat at me, her eyes narrowing "to fly all the way over here to just get kicked out."

"I'm not getting kicked out-" I start.

"You want to bet?" She questions, turning around to look in the hallways.

"Sage" Troye whimpers "please, just let us talk."

"Why? Are you that stupid? He's going to hurt you even worse than before, and next time you'll die from your own stupidity, Troye!!" Sage yells, refusing to look at me. She doesn't break eye contact with Troye, and he doesn't break eye contact with her. At the moment, I feel like I don't even exist in their world.

"Sage, can we talk?" Troye finally questions, his voice surprisingly calm. She barley nods. Troye motions for me to step out of the room, and I gladly oblige.

I meet Zoe outside in the waiting room, seeing she seems nervous herself.

"Did you hear any of that?" I question in a hushed whisper.

"No, but I knew it wouldn't be good. Sage seen me sitting here, and I just heard her repeat no over and over again" she bites her lip "how was Troye, though?"

"He's-different. Things feel different. But I'm going to fix them" I half smile, holding my face in my hands.

"Hey, everything will work out the way it's supposed to, okay?" She whispers "by the way, when are you going to tell me why you were so upset on the flight?"

"I was hoping you would forget" I mutter, taking my focus to my black jeans.

"Nope" she says, popping the 'p'.

"But" she continues "I'm smart enough to realize now is not the time to pressure you. You look like you're about to explode." I nod lightly, trying to reassure her that is in fact how I feel.

Zoe & I's conversation ends after her vow to back down. I squeeze her hands a few times, for reassurance. I watch the door nervously, entirely unaware of what in gods name they're talking about. I just hope it isn't hurting Troye.

~Troye's POV~

"Sage" I say slowly "I haven't liked a lot of people you've dated. Just because you don't like who I love, does not effect my opinion at all."

"He's going to hurt you-" she starts, sniffling.

"So? Let me figure that out for myself, if he will. We hurt each other this previous time, I dumped him. Don't you realize I fucked this up and I want to fix this?" I question, avoiding all eye contact. I feel her staring me down, but I refuse to look up.

"I just want to stop this-"

"I am a grown man, believe it or not. I may not look like it, but I'm older than you and you should not be wasting your time worrying over your older brother like this, okay!?" I blurt, actual anger seeping into my voice "you're not my boss, you never will be. Tyler and I are getting back together and you're not stopping us."

"I don't want to stop you from being happy" she croaks "I just- I want what's best for you, and Tyler's not it."

"How the fuck do you know?" I blurt.

"You've said it yourself, he's a flirt. He 'accidentally' cheated on you, and who's to say he won't do that again? Even if your schedules aren't as crazy as they have been, you'll be thousands of miles apart, and you can't always fly to him. I'm sure he can't always fly to you, either. It's going to be hard, and nerve wrecking-" she starts.

"You're right, it will be hard. But so is any other relationship. I'm willing to work for it, and I'm sure he is, too. I wouldn't know, because you rudely interrupted us before we could even talk about that kind of stuff."

"Well how about I just get out of your life, Troye, because you don't listen to me, and you just act like I'm required to be here. I came here with my own money, my own wants. And I sure as hell don't have to be. So I'll fly back to Perth, and let you live out your dumbass fantasy. Go ahead and get hurt! Just don't come to me ANYMORE!!" She screams, her eyes to the brim with tears "I'm done with your BULLSHIT!!"

"You know what? I didn't ask you to come, so GO! PLEASE go! And don't come back, for all I care!!" I blurt, looking at the wall. I hear her begin to cry, her heels clicking as she exits my room. When I open my eyes, I see Tyler cautiously making his way to the doorway.

"Uh, Troye? Is everything okay with you and Sage?" he asks, his voice shaking.

I just smile and laugh.

"So, where were we?"

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