Thirty-Four: Arms

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~Troye's POV~

"So, that was fun" Tyler says nonchalantly after two hours of switching and going at it.

"I'll never get over how nonchalant you are about this" I pant, flopping down on the bed. Tyler stands up, throwing my boxers at me.

"I mean, this isn't my first time. I know it won't be the last" he winks "but seriously. I hate all the worry and stuff over sex. I'm just as nonchalant about sex as I am kissing. Well, a little more caring than that, but you get what I mean" Tyler smiles as he begins drinking his green tea.

"That was wonderful, Troye. The best I've ever had. It was funny, it was rough yet soft, lustful yet loving, and it was just what I've always wanted" Tyler smiles, handing me my green tea after I pull on my boxers.

"Well, I feel special" I blush "and that was amazing, and not at all how I was expecting."

"You were expecting us to both be so nervous and for it to be so tense, but with you, I really hoped it wouldn't be that way" Tyler says, sitting down next to me. I just noticed he's put boxers on as well. His cute little sloth boxers.

"Can we just lie like this? For the rest of the night?" I question, looking at his eyes. A cute smile and blush appear on his face, and he nods without hesitation. I wrap my arms around his neck, allowing him to get comfy in between my legs with his head on my chest.

"These moments" he whispers "these are the ones I live for."

"I've noticed that. Why is that? If you don't mind me asking" I question hesitantly. Tyler grows quiet, then he looks up at me.

"I've had sex, I've had rough kisses. But this gentle love that you give me? I've never had that."

"W-WHAT?!" I gawk.

"Yeah. I mean, I've never just had cute little gestures and awkward moments. It's always been so planned out and, frankly, it gets old" Tyler frowns "but with you, it's so different."

"Wow, thank you, Tyler" I whisper "I really do feel special now."

"I love you" he smiles, planting a quick kiss on my cheek.

"I love you more" I wink, watching him turn on Netflix on his laptop.

"What are we watching?" I question with a light smile.

"Mean Girls, please" Tyler says, his tone turning sassy.

"Sounds fetch!" I laugh, my smile beaming.

"Gretchen, fetch is never going to be a THING!" he yells, unable to stop his cackle. I squeeze his shoulders as he laughs. He leans his head on my hand, smiling in the cute way he does when he's really happy. Not many people have seen that side of Tyler, honestly. He puts on show for camera a lot. Don't get me wrong, that really is how Tyler is, but even days he's not feeling "it", as he puts it, he'll put on his fake smile and make a video. But this smile, with his lips closed and his cheeks rosy, is his genuine "I'm so happy and I love you" smile.

I could lie like this all day long, with my arms wrapped protectively and lovingly around Tyler Oakley.

~Zoe's POV~

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