Thirty-One: EASE

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~Tyler's POV~

"Why is it that every time we're doing something romantic, we get interrupted?" Troye chuckles, motioning for me to come back to his bed.

"I don't know, but that twink really pissed me off" I roll my eyes, looking at all the balloons and stuffed animal he got Troye. None of the balloons or anything said get well soon; they were just romantic pink and red.

"Hey, don't get jealous" Troye chuckles, rolling his eyes at me.

"So, you're getting out tomorrow?" I ask with a wide grin.

"Yes, I just found out a little while ago. There's some good and some bad news though, Tilly."

"...Okay" I say, hoping he'll just come out with it.

"Well, the good news is I get out tomorrow and I get a solid week without supervision to be with you" Troye smiles, his fingers trailing up my arms.

"And the bad news?"

"The bad news, is after that week is up, I have to fly to America, California, actually, and go to a psychiatric hospital."

"Psychiatric hospital?" I choke out "But why?"

"Apparently, the staff here think I have psychiatric problems that need to be worked out before I go back on tour and such. Which, they may be right..." Troye trails off.

I exhale, trying to remain calm.

"So, this week that you're free, will that just be you and I? Or will he be joining us?" I mutter, crossing my arms at the thought of that adorable twink.

"Most of it will be just us, Tyler. But he did fly all the way over here, too...I need to hang out with him as well. You can join us, if you'd like" Troye says with an optimistic smile.

"I trust you, Troye. It's him I don't trust" I snarl.

"Don't worry about anything" Troye busts out in a laugh "I'm all yours."

"Really?" I question, looking at him with a huge smile.

"Yes, baby. I promise. You're my world, still."

I smile at him, taking his face in my hands.

"I can't wait until you're out of here tomorrow."

"I can't either, trust me" he grins, actually showing his teeth. I plant a kiss on his nose, causing him to laugh at me.

"Hey, Troye?" I ask, exhaling slowly. He looks at me, that beautiful smile still on his lips.


"Earlier, when I was upset, I was-having flashbacks" I sigh "I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, over this thing that happened in my high school years."

"Wow, you have flashbacks? I'm so sorry, I've heard really realistic flashbacks are a nightmare."

"They are" I fake chuckle "they seriously are."

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