Ten: The Quiet

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~Tyler's POV~

"And what exactly do you think you're doing?" I questions sassily as I catch Troye about to walk out of my apartment.

"Well" Troye pauses "Tyler" he rolls his eyes "I was going to get us breakfast as a surprise, but never mind that." This boy has been around me so long my sass is radiating on him.

"No, you're not leaving the apartment today" I say, stomping my foot down, making sure to over exaggerate.

"I'm not?" Troye questions, standing in front of me so close I can feel his heat radiating off of me "Who says?"

"M-me" I stutter "stop making me lose my breath like that you little shit."

"A little too close for comfort?" He questions with a wink.

"No, you just cause a lot of tension Troye Sivan" I roll my eyes at his gorgeous name. He tilts my chin up, to where I'm looking him in the eye. Dammit Troye, just kiss me already. Although we've still only had that one real kiss, I long for so much more.

"Poor little Tilly will just have to be eager, then." He lets go of my chin, starting to walk to my couch.

"Troyeeee" I groan, grabbing his arm, trying my best to pull him towards me. I fail, causing him to let out a light chuckle.

"I'm going slow with this Tilly, I don't want to lose all I've managed to get" he half smiles.

"But Troye" I frown, realizing the day "you're leaving tomorrow. Then you'll be on your tour, & we won't be able to speak, let alone see each other..."

"Tyler" he says in the way I adore "I thought we agreed we weren't going to talk about my absence."

"It's inevitable, we have to eventually" I murmur "besides, I'm a lot busier than I used to be as well. The good kind of busy."

"I know" he mutters, a small frown tugging at his lips "this is going to be hard, but I'm determined to make this work, babe."

"As am I" I retaliate quickly "I don't want to lose you" I blurt. He half smiles, planting a light kiss on my forehead.

"I'll try to at least text you every day once I'm gone" Troye nods. I half smile at him, getting on my tip toes to kiss his nose. He seemed startled at first, but when I get back on my feet, I see he's blushing & grinning wildly.

"You're adorable" he whispers. Before I can say anything else, he walks to the guest bedroom and begins shuffling around his luggage he packed yesterday.

"Troye" I say briskly. He turns around, batting his long eyelashes at me.

"I also knew you'd be successful in the music industry" I say honestly "you have the voice of an angel. I'm not just saying that because I'm your boyfriend, either" I wink.

"Thanks, Tyler. That means a lot. Thanks for being there to support me through everything. Coming out, the first EP. Now I'm here, & we're together. Who knew?" He questions, his bright white teeth sparkling.

"I knew" I whisper "or, um, at least I hoped."

"So, bright & early tomorrow morning" Troye smiles, his smile bittersweet. We have to be at the airport to catch his flight by nine; meaning I have to get up at seven so he can get up by eight. As childish & cliché as this seems, I don't want him to leave. No, we're not going to have a dramatic airport scene. It will probably just be a long hug goodbye, & I won't see him anymore. This is the last night I have with him for at least two months, & he won't even kiss me. I know he's wanting to go slow, but damn boy, don't tease me like that.

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