Thirty-Seven: Free

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~Troye's POV~

As we're speeding away from Duncan's apartment, I look at Connor, who happens to be right next to me.

The air is tense around us. No one saying a word. Tyler's jaw is bleeding a little bit, and he has a few bruises on his arms. Zoe's hair is a mess, and Connor's clothes are tattered. I look the most neutral, with my hair just slightly messed up from the wind from running. Zoe tried turning on the radio once we're a solid ten minutes away from Duncan's apartment, but Tyler snapped.

"Do you really think that's appropriate right now?!" Tyler yells "I just got my ass kicked by my abusive ex boyfriend!"

"I'm sorry! Do you think it was easy for me to watch, Tyler?!" Zoe snaps back, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"To be fair, you kicked his ass. He barley got a few punches in, according to your injuries" I say quietly, trying to lift his spirits. Tyler looks back at me, hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. That was just-terrifying" Tyler frowns "I stared my fears face to face, and it was just really hard. I didn't mean to lash out."

"It's understandable, Tyler" Zoe adds "I didn't mean to yell. That was scary to watch."

The air grows silent again, growing more tense, if that was even possible.

"Connor, how are you?" Zoe starts, glancing at her rear view mirror to see Connor.

"Why does it matter?" He says pitifully, not looking up from his legs. I look at him, trying to make eye contact but failing.

"You do realize we just saved your life because we're your friends, right?" Tyler says, glaring at Connor.

"Why? What's the point of anything anymore? I'm nothing but a piece of fresh meat to men. But thanks to Duncan, I'm not so fresh anymore" Connor mutters, glancing at me. A dart of pain goes through my heart, making me not only feel guilty for Tyler, but for Connor as well.

"Because, believe it or not, we care. You need to show men that you are more than just a pretty face" I blurt, my cheeks heating up. Did I really just call him pretty?

"Besides, you're not the only one" Tyler mutters "you're lucky we got you out when we did. You didn't live with it, Con."

"Did he beat you, Tyler? Refuse to feed you anything that wasn't drugged? Did he insult you every breath he had?" Connor questions sarcastically.

"Yes, Connor!" Tyler snaps, tears in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry-" Connor stammers "I-didn't know-"

"Of course you didn't know" Tyler whispers " Zoe and Troye were all that knew."

"Anyway" I fumble over my words "you're free, Connor. Finally."

"Free? You're joking, right?" Connor questions, a sarcastic smile pursed on his lips.

"I am not free. I am stuck with this burden, this disgust in myself the rest of my life. I am stuck with losing my virgnity to a man I never loved. I am stuck with the memories he punched into my skull. I will never forget these things, and honestly, I think that I will never be the same. As of right now, I don't feel the same. I can't truly smile, or laugh. I probably couldn't even drink a caramel macchiato if I wanted to. If you know how I feel, can't you respect that I'm going to need time, probably years, to move on from this? Hell, I may not ever move on. You don't know me entirely, and hopefully none of you will. Because according to him, I'm a terrible person to know."

Filler chapter ok the next chapter is where everything is going to happen👄

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