Thirty-Three: Whole Again

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                            's time. you know what that means...yup. rip @me because I've never really written smut but yea..I'll put another warning right before it happens bc it doesn't happen at the beginning but yeah woo

~Troye's POV~

The chilly afternoon weather of February in slowly begins to dwindle into the cool evening. I'm lying under the covers, Tyler lying on my chest, with the laptop in front of us. The third episode of Family Guy we've watched since he teased me like that is going off, and I almost can't stand the tension; and he said I caused sexual tension!

"Tylerr?" I groan, looking at him. I ruffle his hair to get his attention, and I barley get a glance. He looks at me for a brief second, a goofy grin on his face.

"I hate you" I roll my eyes at him, unable to stop smiling.

"Shut up, you love me" he says, the first words he's actually said since the first episode. I know Tyler isn't this into Family Guy, so I'm sure he's just thinking of ways to get back at me for teasing him way back when.

"Yeah, I do" I mutter, rolling my eyes "I've already seen this episode." I watch Peter Griffin, the obese main character, running around naked, chasing the family dog named Brian around the house; just a typical episode, I suppose. Tyler doesn't say anything else, and I let out a loud groan.

The episode drags on. Don't get me wrong, I love Family Guy, it's my favorite show, but when I'm with Tyler for the little bit of time I can be with him and we're just watching Netflix, Family Guy gets annoying.

I begin playing with his hair, which has flattened throughout the day.

"I like your hair like this, Tilly" I smile, combing through his soft, silky hair.

"Really? It's a lot easier to manage" Tyler says "I might do it like this from now on."

"Either way, I could care less. Both styles look beautiful."

Tyler yet again grows quiet, annoying the living shit out of me. I just play with his hair like I could care less.

Half an hour goes by without either of us saying anything to each other and I can't stand it anymore. The episode is almost over, but before it can finish, I close Tyler's laptop, sliding it to the side. Tyler looks up at me, about to say something. But, I open my mouth to sing in the goofiest way I can.

"ANYTHINGGGG HURTS LESS THAN THE QUIETTTTT!" I half sing, half scream. I sound like a dying cow to be honest. Tyler busts out laughing in his witch cackle, playfully trying to punch me. After I hit him with a feather pillow a few times, which leads to him hitting me back, we both just lie on the giant bed, laughing at each other.

"It wasn't quiet, Troye" Tyler says, smiling suddenly.

"Yes it was, we didn't say anything for a solid thirty minutes" I groan, rolling my eyes.

"Even when we weren't speaking, the room was full of noise. I'm not talking about Family Guy, either. Your heart is racing, and that was the loudest, most interesting, calming thing to me." I smile at his sudden sweetness, tracing small circles along his forehead and cheeks. He smiles at the simple touch. By the way Tyler acts when I do small things like this, it feels like he's never really had a loving relationship like this. His relationships must have been all about sex, or something like that. I mean, I don't know for a fact, but he really enjoys the little things, a tad bit more than the major things if not the same.

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