Chapter 3

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"Where are we now Joe?" I asked Joe. "We are 30 minutes from my house, and it's 1:34 a.m." Joe answers. "Ok thanks". "Hey you're awake Lindsey?" Q says confused. "Um, she has been awake for about 3 hours now Q", Sal tells Q laughing. "What, really, what did I miss anything interesting?" "Not really," Joe tells Q. The rest of the ride the jokers talked about their ideas for the next Impractical Jokers. "Haaaaay, we're here," Joe yells relived. "Oh I'm so excited to meet Bessy, Cannoli, and Biscotti," I yell happily. We all get luggage out of the car and walk up to the doorstep. "Let me find those keys, oh got'm," Joe says fiddling in his pocket. Joe unlocks the door we all walk in to Cannoli and Biscotti barking. "Hush hush dogs, shhhhh shhh," Joe soothingly tells the dogs. We all set down our luggage. "Well I'm gonna head home Joey, goodnight." Sal says tiredly. "Me too. Lets have a SallyV sleepover tomorrow night," Q agreed. "I will stay over Joe," Murr says quietly. "NO NO NO, you don't get to stay the night, I'm joking you can stay Murr, you take the couch and Lindsey gets the extra bed. "Well goodnight you two, see you in the morning, Sorry Linds Bessy is asleep you'll have to meet her tomorrow, we can plan a full day of joking and fun, alright, goodnight," Joe promises. "Goodnight," I tell Joe yawning. Murr turns on the tv and puts Impractical Jokers on. "Goodnight ferret," I tell Murr. "I don't look like a ferret!!! Goodnight though Linds. "You aren't a ferret, you are a great and funny dude that rocks," I sweetly tell Murr. "Thanks Linds I really appreciate it," Murr responds.

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