End Credits

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(jokers POV)
Sal's thoughts(Joe, after Lindsey had left, was coughing so hard, I started to worry about him)
Bessy- Joe we need to get you home, we've been here for a while now and you're getting way sicker
Joe- I I'm, f fiiii--(Joe started to say as he threw up)
There was a mixture of him puking, coughing and crying. We felt terrible.
AUTHORS NOTE: at the moment all this happened right after Lindsey left.
Bessy-we need to get an ambulance, quick Sal call 911 now
Sal- on it
Sal said pulling out his phone.
Later on the ambulance came and took Joe, he was very sick, we all didn't know if he would make it but, he did. We all went into the room with Joe and saw that his face was very puffy, especially around his eyes from all the crying. Bessy was in the room with him and the rest of us had just got there, the doctors figured out that Joe's sickness got worse when he went outside, we ended up phoning Linds and she felt terrible and we explained to her everything that happened, we told her that he was ok though. We hadn't called her again, nor talked to her until another special day....... Stay tuned for the next story, thanks for reading!

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