Chapter 6

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"Ummm, Murr, um, you uh, have, a uh, brown face," I stutter. "What is it." Murr yells at Joe. "Relax Murr I didn't do it, it was Cannoli. I'm joking, and it's mud," Joe says kind of worried. "Oh ok good, I was worried," Murr said concerned. Sal started to giggle adorably. "Hehe," I giggled thinking about how adorable that was. Joe started to smile slightly, it was adorable too. I then giggled pretty loud. "What's so funny," Joe asked me. "Oh nothing," I replied. Sal giggled again at what I said, which wasn't funny. "Omg, hehehehe," I whispered and giggled at the same time. "Oh, hehe," Sal giggled again. "Oh my gosh WHAT IS SO FUNNY," Joe yelled confused. Me and Sal started laughing again but this time really hard. "Oh my gosh. Hahaha!!! I can't breathe," I yelled laughing way too hard. Sal looked at me and gave me a hug while we were both cracking up. Murr then came in with the brown "mud" on his face and was confused. "What is going on?" Murr quietly asked Joe. "I don't know it must just be an inside joke or something I guess," Joe answered laughing a little too. Then Joe started to realize what was funny and he hugged us both and we were laughing together, me and my 2 favorite jokers laughing in a group hug. Murr was so confused, we were laughing at the fact that we didn't even know what was on Murr's face and who put it on there. "Guys, what is so funny, you are making me nerv....." then Murr was inturupted by Joe putting his hand over his mouth. "Shhhhh," Joe shushed Murr. "What, what's going on," Murr whispered.

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