Chapter 12

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"That son of a b****!"Sal yells running towards the guy. Q chases after Sal and grabs hold of his arm. "STOP SAL," Q yelled at Sal."I'm sorry about him sir he just is a little ner.. The man swung at Q and hit him I'm the face, defiantly got a black eye. "Why don't we take this outside, like real men would do," the man taunts at Q and Sal. They walk outside to fight. Then Murr stands up."No don't do it they are a lot bigger than you don't go out there," I beg to Murr. "I need to make sure my friends are ok,"Murr replies bravely. I follow Murr out the door he walks up to the tall man and looks him in the eyes. "Pow!" the sound of Murr getting punched in the face, he was knocked out on the ground. I run over to the nurse and tell them to call the cops but the man heard me, then he gave the three guys each one more punch in the face and tried to take off, but Sal then broke his nose, as his nose was broken too. That guy looks very familiar to me. "Oh my gosh, Derek Morgan, why did you punch Joe Gatto in the face, for no reason what so ever," I asked Morgan mad. "What, he looks exactly like the unsub that we're looking for, except for his big nose. I also thought that these three were the dudes that helped hide the bodies in the murders that have been done this past week," Morgan tells me confused. Sal sat on the ground crying and bleeding. "Why, if you didn't know for sure why would you do that," Says I. "Like I said he looked like our guy, so I punched him then ran to get the other agents, I forgot my gun and handcuffs, then these three came at me so I though they were the goons, so I fought them all without my gun, badge, and handcuffs, but I'm so sorry, I will stay here with you and make sure your friend is ok," Morgan tells me looking into my eyes. I then nodd. "You should be hoping that he lives, or I'll sick Sal on ya,or I should say Jacrispy," I threaten Morgan.

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