Chapter 11

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A woman comes running down the hall. "Please, help. He is dying," Murr said crying. "I will help him as soon as possible. Let me check him out. He has no pulse!" The nurse yells. She gets on her walkie talkie and asks for help immediately. Very shortly a bunch of men and women come running down the hall with a stretcher. "You guys are gonna have to stay in the lobby," a man tells us. "NO, you can't make me I have to stay with him please," Sal begs. Murr and Q are just dead silent at all that was happening. "No sir I'm sorry, you can see him when he's ok," the man kindly tells Sal. Sal sits there for a sec quietly. Then he throws a punch at the man right in the nose, causing his, nose to break. 2 nurses grabbed hold of Sal's arms and had to drag him to the lobby while Q carried me down to the lobby as Murr walked by our side. I couldn't believe what had happened, I was terrified I felt like if I had went with Joe he wouldn't have fallen down the stairs and cracked his head open. Murr was sitting there tapping his feet. "Hey, Linds, it may be to late to mention this but, we, we s s saw a man p push Joe, he like was acting normal towards him then he just punched him in the face and Joe fell down the stairs, we saw the g," Murr stopped talking. Then he pointed, "that guy!"

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