Chapter 15

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We all went outside to the car, this time Sal had to drive and I sat with Joe and Q in the back. Once we arrived at Joe's house he got out his keys and unlocked the door. "Alright how bout that sleepova tonight," Joe asked everyone. "Yeah." Everyone yelled. "Anyone hungry," Murr asked. I found it weird that Murr asked if we wanted to eat something, while we were in Joe's house, huh odd. "Yeah, I guess so, you won't be making it will you," I asked Murr laughing. All the other guys started laugh too. "I will make lunch for everyone," Joe said with sass. I giggled a little, which once again made Sal giggle. Then me and Sal were cracking up. It was funny that we were laughing at nothing. Murr sat down on the couch and turned on the t.v. "Let's watch 'So you think you can dance',"Sal told Murr. That for some reason made me laugh pretty hard. "Just put our show on,"Q said. So then Murr put Impractical Jokers on. "I can never get sick of watching this," I tell the guys. "Lunch is ready," Joe called from the kitchen. We all ran into the kitchen. "Joe you didn't have to make lunch for everyone, you're still, injured," I tell Joe. "Well you wouldn't have wanted Murr to make food would you," Joe asked me. "True, thank you though," I told Joe. "You're welcome Lindsey," Joe replies. We sat down and ate our soup, cuz that's what Joe made. "Fart noise," Joe said randomly. "Hehe," Sal giggled. "You just laughed at Joe saying the word far t noise," Q said to Sal. Then Murr started to laugh a little, by that time of course I was dying of laughter, cause this time I wasn't watching the jokers on T.V., I was actually with them in real life. Just then I heard my phone ringing from the living room, the Criminal Minds theme song. "Sorry I should probably go get that," I told Joe as they were all still laughing. So I ran quickly into the living room and grabbed my phone, my mom was calling me. "Hello,"I said as I answered my phone. My mom wanted to know what I was up to. After we said what we were doing I told her about what happened at the hospital. She told me to tell the guys that she feels bad for them. I then told her that they were all ok, and that I wasn't touched. "You are staying tonight and tomorrow night then you're gonna fly back home on your own, is that ok," my mom asked me. "Yeah that's fine," I told her. Then I walked back in the kitchen and told the guys, they were ok with that of course.

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