Chapter 9

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We walk to the entrance. "We are here to see Brian Quinn, Uh, Angela," Joe tells the lady at the desk "Angela". "Ok that would be room B14, are you all friends," Angela asks politely. "Oh, yeah," Sal answers with a smile on his face. He totally has a crush on her, she looked about 35, she was pretty though. Angela walks us over to the elevator that heads towards Q's room. "Ok that will be floor 3, the 6th door on the left side," Angela informs us. "Thanks,"I tell Angela waving goodbye. Sal sat there smiling and staring at her waving really girly. "Oh my goodness buddy, you really like her don't you," Joe asks Sal laughing a little. I started to snicker. "What, I do not like her. I'm in love with her," Sal says to us daydreaming. "I'm sure he'll forget about her once we see Q,"I whisper into Joe's ear. Joe winked at me agreeing. We walked into the elevator and pressed floor 3. We sat in the elevator and were quiet, until Joe screamed, which made Sal and I scream too. "WHAT!" I yelled. "Hahaha, nothing I just wanted to scare you two,"Joe explained as he was dying of laughter. Sal punched Joe in the arm, and he looked mad, it made me laugh a little, I haven't really seen him mad, if I really thought about it."ding" the sound the elevator made as we made it to floor 3. "Ok 6 doors to the right," Sal says like he is Einstein. "Sure you go to someone's room as their giving birth while we go see Q. He is to the left," Joe joskes around. "Pshhh, I knew that," Sal says following Joe and I. Finally we made it to Q's room. We walked in there to him eating a cheese burger. "Wait a minute, where is Murr," I ask very confused. "S***," he probably got lost or something," Joe yells with a grin on his face. We here running towards the room. "What the f*** guys, you ditched me in the lobby, I went to the bathroom and came out and you guys were gone," Murr tells us frustrated. "Oops," Joe says laughing fully now. "Hey guys you're here, I was waiting for you," Q says really tired. I walk over to him and give him a hug the Murr does then sal then Joe. "How are you bud," Murr asks concerned. "I, I can't," Q starts to say. "You can't what," Sal asks very concerned.

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