Chapter 7

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Sal and I shut up and listened to Joe. "What is it, is it important, should I be scared. "No, just remain calm, I can possibly think of a solution to what I am making a big deal about. Q isn't here, and that's unusual for him, he hasn't contacted me or anyone, I'm a little nervous," Joe said a little worried. "Well call him and see what's up and where he is, maybe he is still asleep, I mean it's only 11 a.m. he could be just on his way, he is fine, I wouldn't worry at all," I comforted Joe. "Sigh, hmmm," Joe whines acting like he is sad. "Snap out of it," Murr snaps at Joe. Joe pretends like he is gonna punch Murr, but Murr flinched really bad. "Haha," Sal laughs hard as usual. "Wait so what was so funny earlier Linds, Sal," Murr asks us, really wanting to know the answer. "Well the thing is that we don't exactly know," I slowly tell Murr before Sal covers my mouth. "She made up a really funny joke that took me a sec to understand," Sal tells Murr acting like Murr is 6 years old. I laugh at the way Sal told Murr that. Sal giggled, then I giggled because of the way he did, it was adorable again. Joe thought it was funny that I laughed at everything Sal did. "Hey Linds, can I talk to you for a sec, alone," Joe asks me with a little giggle. "Hehe, yeah I'm coming," I answer giggleing a little. "I think you have a crush on Sal, don't you Linds. I can tell, you 2 keep giggling, its cute though," Joe tells me with a little snicker. "Well it's very adorable when he giggles, and he's ok," I tell Joe smiling. "Alright I thought so," Joe finishes. We walk back into the kitchen with smiles on our faces. "Hey Linds can I talk to you now, alone," Sal asks me looking at Joe like it's a challenge. "Yeah sure, why not," I say sarcastically. We walk into the living room. "So I noticed that you have been giggling at a lot of stuff Joe says or does, I think you like him," Sal tells me with a smile on his face. "Haha, well it's cute when he laughs and smiles, he's ok," I answer laughing a little. "I thought so Linds," Sal says softly. We walk back into the kitchen to Murr and Joe's mouths wide open. "What's wrong," I asked concerned.

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