Chapter 18

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"Sal, Lindsey, you start blowing up balloons. Q and Murr start putting up streamers, Bess and I will search ideas for some games,"Joe commands, in a nice way. "Lets make this party seem like it lasts foreva," Joe adds excited. Sal and I started to grab some balloons and got to blowing them up. I first grabbed a blue one and blew it up really quick then tied it. I then looked over at Sal who was having a hard time blowing up his red balloon, his face was the same color as the balloon its self! "Here let me see that," I said taking the balloon out of Sal's hands, he was shaking as I took his hand and I knew that he knew that I liked him. I then blew it up on my own. "See, if I can do it, you can do it too," I told Sal. He then giggled, so I did too. "So I just grab one and blow it up, I got this, with no help either," Sal said smartly. I laughed at him trying to blow it up again. Finally he got it. "Now do you know how to tie,"I asked Sal. "Uh, duh," Sal joked. We both laughed at him. Later on we both had blown up 20 balloons each, by then we were proud of ourselves. Murr and Q had all the streamers hung. "Good job ferret" I chanted. "You did great with those balloons kid, how much did Sal blow up 2," Q joked. "Actually we both blew up 20 each, so we have 40," I informed Q. "How are you com'n along Joey," Sal yelled at Joe. "We got 3 game picked out. And Lindsey, Murr and Bessy create a song playlist,"Joe asked us. "I'm up for that,"I told Joe excited. So Sal Bessy and I walked over to the computer so we could create a playlist. After we finished the song playlist, we all started to build the fort. "Hey guys, can I pull you out one by one and take pics, autographs, and interviews with you," I asked everyone. "Yeah, go for it," Joe told me. I ran into the kitchen with my phone and wrote out questions for the interviews, like favorite food, color, place and stuff like that. "Murr," I called. Murr then ran into the kitchen ready for the interview and stuff. "Ok can you sign this piece of paper, my hand and my phone case," I asked Murr. "Absolutely," Murr responded. So Murr signed everything, then I asked to take selfies, normal and silly ones. Next I asked him all the interview questions, we laughed and giggled, and found out a lot about each other, it was amazing. "Alright Murr thanks, it was fun," I told Murr after we had finished. "Joey," I slowly called out of the kitchen door. All the guys,were instantly laughing at that..
Joe came into the kitchen, I was gonna spend more time with him since he was my favorite. "Ok Joe can you sign my hand, as Joe picked up my hand gently and signed his name on the middle of my palm, so I could hold on to it forever. Can you sign this paper, and my phone case," I politely asked Joe. "Alright," Joe replied. He signed everything then we took some amazing selfies, good, happy, funny and serious. Afterwards I interviewed, which was the best, I found out a lot about him and found out a lot about me too. "Thank you Joey, I am so happy you did this for me, it means a lot, oh can you sign my Team Joe sweatshirt too before I move on to Q," I asked Joe. "Oh yeah I can't forget that can I,"Joe said with a big smile on his face. He signed the sweatshirt then went back to building the fort. I then did the same thing with Q, it was fun too of course. "Sal,"I yelled out the door. Sal ran in and was giggling already. We interviewed, took selfies, and I got his autographs, we had a great time too of course. Then since I was done I left the kitchen and noticed Joe wasn't there. "Where's Joe guys," I asked the others.

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