Chapter 17

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"Knock knock knock", we heard someone at the door. Joe ran over to the door and opened it, it was Murr and Q with their arms full. "Well you guys didn't take very long, what movies did you guys get,"Joe asked Murr and Q. "Home, Avengers 2,"Q said. "And we also got The maze Runner,"Murr added. "Oooo, I love those movies," I said happily. "I'll help with your guy's sleepover, I can make the popcorn and get bags of candy and soda out,"Bessy said. "Thanks Bess,"Joe thanked Bessy. We all jogged into the living room. Joe took the cushions off the couch and set them on the floor. "Lets make a fort, sound good," Joe asked us. "Totally," Sal said. "We should have a little dance party too, you know so Sal can teach us the Double Dutch, and Q can teach us the marshian hula hoop,"Murr said excited. "That sounds awesome,"I chanted loudly. Joe then walked out of the living room and opened up a closet door. He pulled out some streamers and balloons for the sleepover party. Soon afterwards I heard my phone ring. I ran over to me bags and picked up my phone and answered it, it was my mom again. Me- Hello
Mom- Hey I have some bad news for ya Linds
Me- what is it
Mom- the only time you can get a flight back home would be if you left at 5 p.m. tomorrow
Me- What, no I wanted to stay with them I'm having the best time ever with them
Mom- Well you also have school tomorrow which you will have to miss but I want you to go to school Tuesday, so you will have to leave at 5 I guess then, I'm sorry but that's the best time for us
Me- I won't argue with that, ok, then see you most likely on early Tuesday morning, by love you
Mom- by love you too.
I sadly walked over to the guys, they were laughing and having a good time making the fort for us. "Hey guys I have some news," I said sadly to them. "What is it Linds, is it good,"Sal asked me. "Its bad, I have to leave back home at 5 in the evening tomorrow," I sadly broke the news to them. "Noooo, I don't want you to leave this is so much fun, we love hanging with you,"Joe told me. "I 100% agree with Joe we don't want you to go,"Sal agreed. "HEY, let's focus on having fun now and later instead of worrying about tomorrow," Murr said straight forward. "Yeah, Murr you are right, let's have a whole lot of fun tonight,"I shout happily.

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