Chapter 14

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Once we got our pass to go see Sal and Murr, we found the rooms. First we went to see Sal. "How ya doin buddy,"Q asks Sal. "Oh, I'm doin a bit better. My nose is still broke, it's an easy fix though," Sal tells us as we still haven't seen his face yet. "Hey man I'm really sorry for braking your nose," Morgan appologized to Sal. "It's cool," Sal replied. We walk over and see him, he looked quite a bit better. "Hey apparently Murr is out, he was fine, he's just got a lump in his forehead," Sal told us. "Oh so when can you leave."I asked Sal. "Whenever I want, I just need my nose fixed," Sal answered me. "Ok then we betta catch Murr, then you should be ready," Q tells Sal. "Yeah that works. We leave the room and look down the hallway. "Oh there's Murr,"I yelled. We all ran towards him. "How are ya buddy," Q asked. "I'm fine, how's Joe," Murr asked nervously. "Well if you haven't noticed when Joe got hurt it was yesturday, Saturday evening, and now it's only 8:00 a.m. so I guess the nurses said Joe is fine in about an hour or less I guess,"I tell the confused Murr. "Oh thanks Linds," Murr thanks me. I nodd saying you're welcome. Then a nurse came up to us and said we had to sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes. So we all sat down in the uncomfortable chairs. Then we see Sal walking down the hall with a bandage on his nose. "Sal!" I yell super excited. I ran to him and hugged him. He then hugged me back. "Hey Linds how have you been, I know I saw you a little bit ago but it wasn't much, I saw you crying and it ticked me off, I'm cool now though," Sal told me as we hugged. Morgan then sat up. "Well now that I know that you guys are ok and that Joe isn't the unsub, I can leave, but don't worry Lindsey I will see you another time, and I will have Reid with me," Morgan told me with a wink. "Alright by Morgan see ya another time," I answer back to him. He left the room leaving just Sal Murr Q and I. We then heard a familiar voice, it was Joe! "Hey Joe your ok," Murr yelled. We all ran up to Joe and gave him big huggs. "Hey bud I told Bessy you're ok," Sal said to Joe."Ok good, thanks bud," Joe replies. "After I check us out, you wanna go to the mall Linds,"Joe asks me. "Yeah totally, well if you can, and if everyone's up for it," I say concerned. "Sorry to burst you bubble little girl, Joe needs at least 12 more hours of calm and no focusing, he has a concussion, it's not too bad though." a woman nurse told us. "Awe well let's go home and relax then," I sadly say.

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