*I Need A Effin' Shower.

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I inhale the cold air of December, lifting my coat's collar as the white snow fall ever so lightly. I quickly scurry through the white snow woods, gripping my crossbow. My aim in front as the wooden stake point. My eyes scanning my surroundings, my guard up. The sound of foot crunching behind made me instantly turn around and shoot out a wooden stake. Jesse duck down avoiding the wooden stake which hit one of the trees behind him.

"Jesus."He whisper. I rolled my eyes and walk towards the tree, pulling out the wooden stake and place it back on the crossbow.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Never approach behind me without signaling me!"I once again warn him. This isn't the first time nor will it be the last. This guy is lucky I haven't killed him. 

He walk closer to me with a pout,"Sorry Becs."He apologize. I rolled my eyes and pat him on the shoulder.

"S'okay. I just don't want to be the reason of your death."He grin and I knew what he was going to say.

"You do care about me!"He place his arms around me. I groan and push him off me. I hate physical contact.

"Whatever."I mumbled, walking away.

"We should head back to the village it's getting-"Jesse was cut off by an loud female scream. We both look at each other before nodding our heads."Guess that has to wait."We both run towards the scream. The sound of our foot crunching against the snow was the only noise. We ran until we see a body of a woman laying on the floor- Dead. 

I lean down and look at her neck; two deep holes."Those bastards."I whisper. I felt a chill run up my spine which makes me turn around and shoot my crossbow, hitting a vampire in the heart. I stood up quickly- immediately we were surround by female vampires. Jesse and I went back to back, in position to fight.

One of the female vampires lunge forward. I shot my crossbow, impaling her heart. Two more lunge towards me and I shot them both down. Suddenly, one lunge to the side and tackle me down. I held the stupid vampire away from my neck. My crossbow lay a few feet away. I struggle to keep her away as she snap and gnarl. A wooden stake was stab on her back and went through her chest. 

I push the body off me and grab Jesse's hand,"Thanks I owe you."I said. I see another vampire lunge towards Jesse back, I reach in my coat and pulled out an two barrel pistol which contain sliver bullets. 

The bullet went through her heart, instanly killing her."No you don't." Two vampires rush towards both sides- I had to act fast. I slide down, avoiding both. The two collide to each other, knocking each other to the ground. I slide towards my crossbow- I grip it and lift it up, shooting both of them.

"Fuckers."I mumble. I turn to Jesse to see him get tackle by one, rushing as Fast as I can, knocking her off Jesse.

I jump on the vampire and grab her by the neck, holding her down. She kick and moved but not enough strength to pull me off. I reach in my boot to pull out a silver knife, but before I can stab her heart, I was powerfully thrown to the tree. Whencing at the aching pain in my back thus allow the same vampire to lunge forward me, gripping her hands on my neck.

Hardly breathing, I press a small button on my gloves. A small, sharp blade pop out which I use to impale her chest. I throw her off me, holding her down with my foot, lunging my blade deeper in her chest, hitting her heart. Blood splat on my face when she cough and wheeze her last breath.

"retrieve!"One of the vampires command the rest of the fighting vampires. Instantly, without hesitation, the rest of the living vampires speed off to who the hells knows where. Removing my hand from the corpse, I press the button to retrieve the small blade. I stand up triumphant  and count at least fourteen dead bodies of these fuckers. I glance at Jesse who too is grinning proudly.

"Fuck yeah! We killed those bloodsucking bastards!"Jesse pumped in the air. 

Rolling my eyes as a small grin spread my lips."Now we have to burn them, so start piling up boy!."He groans, making his way to drag corpses of vampires.

Dragging dead non living vampires isn't fun nor a sweet smile. Halfway of piling up, Jesse almost lost his brunch. But once we pile them, Jesse eyes light up when I pull out matches

"Can I do it?"Jesse question, sounding like a child. I shrug, why not?"Yes!"He catch the matches I tossed. He then slide the match and throws it to pile of dead vampires which easily caught on fire. Yeah, who would of known vampires were flammable. We start to head back to the village since the sun is slowly setting down. Meanwhile the silently walk, I take a small whiff of myself and Jesus Christ I smell like death! 'I need a fucking shower.'

*So I'm editing this story because holy crap, it's terrible writing! How can you guys read this and like it when it's shitty writing! I'm still a crappy writing but I'm some what improving- 

Anyway thank you for those who had read this when it was terrible(sorry I put you through that!) 

Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now