The Prophecy

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I know it was a dick move to do that. I really did want to kiss her, but it feels to soon. Especially what she done to me and everything else. I still feel bad and I have a feeling if my life was a story people would of wanted me to kiss her. I look back to only feel more of a dick. Those blue eyes shows heart break.

I look away, unable to handle the guilty feeling of being an asshole. I grab the book and turn the page. Latin of course! Gold light surrounded the letters, turning the words into an language I understand. Once it change fully I began to read.

The book of royalty is to record events of the past, present, and future for the Royals.

I change the page but gold light once again cover the book, changing the pages until it landed on one page. The Fall and Rise of the Royal Highness.

I felt Chloe behind me, she lay her head on my shoulder. I know I should not allow this but I allow it to pass.

Tis to be said that the most beloved highness will fall. The way he will fall shall be the betrayal of someone he once trusted. The betrayer will be the one to gain the Royal title. Although, the betrayer will rule for few more years, the daughter of the former highness will rise against the betrayer.
The daughter of the former highness will be like no other kind. She will and will not be like our people for she will be made by the highness care and her mother's human love. She will seem as a human but once she reborn she shall gain power and gain the Royal tittle.

Ah, but she will not face this alone for there is someone with the most reddest hair and fair blue eyes along her side. The redhead will be along her side as a friend and lover. For love is the only thing more powerful then hate and jealousy.

I was a little shock how true this is- I'm guessing I'm the Royal daughter? How the hell is this possible? And what does it mean when it says reborn? How the hell am I suppose to reborn? So this is it? My life was base on an prophecy that I have to fulfill! This doesn't make sense? I can't do this! I can't handle this! I'm not strong enough.
"Beca!" I jumped startled by her voice. I was too deep in thought."Sorry Princess. I did not mean to startled you." She put her head as if she's an child. No, I don't want Chloe to call me princess. I shook my head,"Please, Chlo. Don't call me princess."
"But you are a princess."
"No I'm not a princess!" She disagree once again, I felt tears stingy in my eyes. Everything is falling apart and now I have to try to pick everything up!
"I can't! Okay! I can't be a princess! I just can't! I'm unable to fulfill this prophecy! I'm not strong enough."I cried out, tears free falling. Making me seem as an blubbering child. I felt her soft hands below my chin, raising my head to look into her enchanting eyes.
Those damn eyes full of love that I can clearly see."Beca you're the strongest woman I ever seen. You're a princess, you have the Royal blood in you. You been through a lot yet you're still standing here, stronger then before. You're able to fulfill this prophecy-"
"What if I fail?"I question her as she wipe my tears away. She shook her head, giving me the warmest smile.
"You won't because you have me here to help you as a friend..."
"And lover."I whisper so quietly I thought I said it in my mind. But I can see the love of her eyes increase more.
And I can't say my broken heart is beating faster as we both lean in.
Our lips mere seconds away.
"Yes as well as lovers."She replied before our lips met. Oh how miss those lips! The feeling of warmth increase- I never want this warmth to go away. I wrap my arms around her, bringing her closer. I wanted her closer to me then ever.  I couldn't ignore my broken heart pegging for affection for Chloe. And I'll be sure to show her affection.

We pull apart when oxygen was needed, and I couldn't help but giggle by the wonderful feeling."I love you."I whisper. Chloe wipe off the tears whelming in her eyes. She grab in a warm hug."I love you too, my princess."

Yay! Beca and Chloe are Bechloe once again! So I hope the prophecy made sense- which I bet didn't make any damn sense!
Anyway comment your thoughts of this chapter :D!

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